Hungarian opposition leader calls for early elections: Péter Magyar’s vision for a united Hungary

Opposition Tisza leader Péter Magyar called for early elections: he said in a New Year’s message on Wednesday that his party represented a new force that is able to govern Hungary and “give back to the country what has been taken away from it: decency, self-respect, justice, and hope for a better life”.
In a video on Facebook, he called on Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to “hold a new election and give Hungarians back the right to make a decision”. “We have no more time to waste, a new election and a new mandate are needed,” he said. He called for early elections to be held as soon as possible “because we have no more time to waste, Hungarians do not have another year, they cannot retreat further”.
Magyar said that in 2008, Orbán had called for an early election, urging the government of the time to move away in the interest of the country. “For the ruling party at the time, its own prosperity was more important than the interests of the country,” he said, adding that “you have since become Ferenc Gyurcsány”, referring to the prime minister at the time. “Enough of the propaganda of hatred, of warmongering, lies and throwing money around,” he said.
He said 2025 would be dedicated to hope and “we will claim back our home country from the 3,000 people who currently enjoy the fruits of hatred and division, and who laugh contemptuously from the success of another smear campaign”. “We Hungarians will move away from the hatred and division forced upon us, and will show that love is stronger than hate,” he said. “With the help of well-meaning and decent Hungarian people, we will be able to build a new Hungary,” the Tisza leader added.
He said it would be “a country where families are able to make a decent living from their income, where the government is not ruling over the people, where there is no place for abuse of power, and the operation of the government is not based on all-pervasive corruption”.
He added that it would be a country “where health care, education and state administration again serve the wellbeing of the people, where our children get quality education and still enjoy themselves, where the administration of justice functions again and all offenders will be called to account, where our elderly fellow countrymen can spend their well-deserved old years with their families in a predictable way, with access to quality health services. A country that our Hungarian brothers and sisters from abroad can continue to rely on, where everybody can be proud of their origins, their religion, their cultural heritage, and where everyone can advance regardless of the environment they were born into,” he added.
“We Hungarians will reach out to each other, to everyone, also to Fidesz supporters, left-wingers, and liberals,” he said.
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That picture says it all.
Peter Magyar, the Tisza Party – it must be PARAMOUNT – you are, to BOMBARD, effect the down-fall, of the Orban led Fidesz Government of Hungary.
Preparedness, in the face of an inevitable WAR, that when it HAPPENS – my prediction August 2025, that it will be conducted – GROWS daily even as I commentate, the ATMOSPHERE in Hungary, of Angst, Frustration, Disapproval, Disappointment and being FAILED, being ABUSED – by millions of Hungarians, by time the National Elections in Hungary are HELD – we will be in a “War” like Political CONFLICT.
Peter Magyar – the Tisza Party – there CREED – there Armoury / Arsenal – it must because of its STRENGTH – through the support of people SOLIDARITY – it must be Truth & Fact – just HURLED – catapulted, LUNCHED – at the Orban – Fidesz Government.
The “Magical Pill” – as in LIFE, to FIGHT this Orban led Fidesz Government with – TRUTH, truth, and mor TRUTH, that is SUPPORTED with Facts, facts and more FACTS.
In attack by Orban / Fidesz – play the “proven ” game of Silence with a “gentle” smile, when the “Laden Tirade” from Orban / Fidesz is concluded, just in raising the paper, or whatever, in your right hand and simple reply;
” here are FELLOW Hungarians the Truths and Facts – that again PROVES – the falseness, the misleading Lies, that continue to “come out” of the Orban led Fidesz Government”.
Wave it at them – in there FACES with just short pointed words CONFIRMS – that Peter Magyar, the Tisza Party – are campaigning on Truths & Facts.
This underlines at this time in the History of Hungary, the NEED to ensure Truth and Fact – dominate, in being exercised and practiced, that MUCHLY will be a GAUGE in using Truth & Fact, to get us out of – the FLAMING Hot Coals – the “cindered” burnt, hurt devastated position as a country we are FACTUALLY in representative of, at this point in time, that WORSENS, through being DELIVERED there – by the gargantuan FAILINGS of the Orban led Fidesz Government.
STAND Alone – Peter Magyar – Tisza Party.
Do NOT have any association with the Political Party, headed by the Disgraced and Failed – former Prime Minister of Hungary – Ferenc Gyurcsany.
GO it ALONE – on Truths & Facts.
The CREED – of Truth & Fact – not just on Orban 7 the Fidesz Party, that will INCLUDE a NEED to HIGHLIGHT that Ferenc Gyurcsany, certainly does not, has never “Lay in Bed” in a straight position.
SEPARATION – need to FIRMLY “spell” that out to ALL Hungarians of having no PARTNERSHIP – the running of “joint tickets” with the Ferenc Gyurcsany headed Hungarian Political Party.
Preparedness – “seal it” make it water tight, in readiness to give HOPE to Hungary – for our FUTURE – under DEMOCRACY.
Truth & Fact – our SALVATION.
It’s not hard to agree that Hungary deserves better than the insatiable thirst and elitist rule by decree of the current regime. The abuses can be stacked up like cord wood.
Time for commentators to specify abuse. Empirical data does not lie.
Now, any idiot knows that it is not an opposition leader but the P.M. of Hungary that can call an election. Magyar is one marble short.