Rising star of Hungarian opposition, Péter Magyar, organised another spontanous mass protest in Budapest – PHOTOS

Péter Magyar, the ex-husband of the former justice minister, called for a working child protection regime “that actually protects children”, at a demonstration held in front of the Interior Ministry in Budapest on Friday.
Magyar also demanded that the government and Interior Minister Sándor Pintér, who oversees the child protection network, apologise to the children who had been abused by paedophiles at an orphanage in Bicske, in western Hungary.
At the same time, he called on the interior minister to retire “because he is incapable of carrying out his responsibilities” which include managing the police force, education and health care.
Magyar said the government’s new child protection law package would not help tackle the problems, only shifted responsibility onto the courts. He argued that the only deterrent would be if there was “a real risk of getting caught”.
Magyar against unfunded child protection institutions
He cited a child abuse case that had been known about for eight months in which the suspect had only been arrested after he had called attention to the case in a post on Facebook.
He said the real solution would be to create a police force tasked with investigating sex crimes against children and to ensure that child protection institutions are not underfunded. Magyar argued that today there were half as many experts working in the child protection network as would be needed.
Read also:
- The end of rising ‘star politician’ Péter Magyar? Former wife and justice minister accuses him of ‘blackmail, terrorising’ – Read more HERE
- Ex-husband of former Justice Minister Varga called together a mass protest for government change – Details in THIS article
HERE is the live video of the protest.
It was so spontaneous that an alert was sent out ahead of the demonstration to avoid the area.
Hungarians may like to think about the MESSAGE in this Quote.
“An unknown lifeboat, is better than a KNOWN Ship – sinking FAST, by the Stern.”
Solidarity – together to RID – the Prime Minister – Victor Orban and the Fidesz Government, who continue to SINK Hungary.
Hungarians – it’s ALL around us, in our FACES daily, we are living in and amongst it and KNOWN – the Orban plan, the Distillation of Democracy and the “Embracing” driving forcefully Hungary, of being a Dictatorship, as is Hungary’s (2) two closest FRIENDS – China & Russia – that are Governed under Communistic Governments and Dictatorships.
Are we SMILING 😃- are we pleased contented at this FACT ?
That orphanage at Bicske is right next to Orban’s home town of Felcsut. Have a look at the article below to see how Orban has long-time connections here. “Locals remember ties between the prime minister’s innermost circle and Vásárhelyi and Kónya. Hungarian media have reported extensively about those connections, which the FT has verified.”
“Spontaneous”… LOL!! It’s very well organized by shadowy forces with deep pockets. Who’s funding this guy?
Larry, that article is really informative. I had no idea of the close ties and the reluctance of Fidesz officials to take charge and protect those children. Disgusting.
I ended up reading the article here so I didn’t have to subscribe to FT.
Why would sane Hungarians support a wife beater? Women deserve respect and any man that beats their wife should be jailes. Magyar should be in jail. Why have the police not charged him with wife abuse?
Ther is no such thing as spontaneous protest in Hungary. Protestors are usually well paid. It is the media’s job to name the financier of the so called protest of a wife abuser.
Oh Michael and your “dark forces” so funny and almost a characature at this point you are. One person should not be In charge of three major public departments. Is Victor so stretched on resourses that he cannot find full time directors for education? What a country we have!
Appointing any idiot to any position is easy. Now, pointing the right person, one who is efficient, accepted by both sides and will be consciences of spending public money is more difficult. PM Orban has many problems to solve. He will solve the appointments.