Pollsters ask residents to evaluate 2015

Budapest (MTI) – Most people asked in a recent Ipsos-ZRI Zavecz poll said last year had yielded positive results in general for their families but saw developments at a national level in a negative light.
Pollster Nezopont reported that of the people asked in a December survey, 48 percent had optimistic expectations concerning the year ahead, as opposed to 34 percent at the end of 2014. They added that 32 percent voiced a pessimistic opinion.
The Ipsos poll showed that 50 percent of respondents were satisfied with their own financial situation in 2015, as opposed to 48 percent saying that the year had been bad in financial terms. The poll also showed, however, a gap between the poor and the better off: while 90 percent of those in managerial positions thought their finances were good, only 30 percent of the middle aged and pensioner group held the same opinion and a mere 12 percent of the unemployed were satisfied.
Thirty-six percent of respondents said all aspects of their own lives were positive in 2015 and only 8 percent held the opposite view. Concerning the country as a whole, however, 62 percent said it was a bad year and 35 percent said 2015 was a good year for the nation.
Nezopont said in its report that the political climate had changed; while support for the ruling parties had ebbed by the end of 2014, a year later the governing alliance had regained its support through its policies concerning the migrant crisis. “The country is not in a protest mood”, the report said.
Forty-three percent of respondents in the Nezopont survey said the country’s economy improved in 2015, and 53 percent voiced expectations for further improvement, as opposed to 26 percent anticipating economic recession.
Both surveys were conducted on a representative sample of voting age adults last December.
Source: http://mtva.hu/hu/hungary-matters