Pro-Orbán Roman Catholic priest, a flag-bearer of political Christianity participating in gay parties? – UPDATED

Why is it problematic if a Roman Catholic priest is gay, participates in gay parties, or maintains intimate relationships with men? Besides church consequences, such facts should remain part of his private life. However, the case of Father Gergő Bese is different. He is one of the flag-bearers of Orbán’s political Christianity, a strong protector of Fidesz from critics from inside the church, an influencer regularly publishing pro-government writings, a public figure, and it seems a financial beneficiary of the Orbán cabinet. Moreover, he kept slamming the LGBTQ movement, supporting and authenticating the government’s campaign by wearing a cassock. UPDATE: the Archbishop of Kalocsa-Kecskemét suspended Bese today. Details below.

On 29 November 2020, József Szájer, one of the founders of Fidesz and closest allies of PM Orbán, also an MEP of the party, submitted his resignation, entering into effect on 31 December. Nobody knew why one of the party’s strongmen resigned.

However, two days later, the Belgian police announced that they caught him fleeing a private 25-man orgy in violation of local coronavirus regulations. According to a statement by the federal prosecutor’s office, Szájer was seen fleeing via a window and a drainpipe.

PM Orbán said they would not forget and refuse his thirty years of work (e.g. drafting Hungary’s new constitution), but what he did did not fit into the values of Fidesz’s political community. Szájer’s departure was followed by opposition slams concerning the government’s anti-LGBTQ measures and attitude.

szájer fidesz mp scandal
József Szájer. Source:

Flag-bearer of political Christianity participating in gay parties?

It seems September may mark another Szájer-case in Hungary. According to Válasz Online, the new case focuses on Father Gergő Bese, the “star priest” of the Orbán regime. The online portal wrote that there were a series of documents proving that Mr Bese participated in gay parties and maintained intimate relationships with other men.

The Apostolic Nunciature to Hungary acknowledged that they learned about the serious allegations concerning Bese and forwarded the relevant documents to the Archbishop of Kalocsa-Kecskemét. Based on Válasz Online, he will decide in days. Mr Bese will be either suspended or expelled from the clergy.

Father Gergő Bese gay parties
Photo: FB/Gergő Bese

In government circles, people compare the scandal to Szájer’s, but say it is much worse. Válasz Online heard about the Bese scandal from four Fidesz-KDNP politicians, confirming that Bese took part in gay parties. Among the proofs, there are video recordings and messages. Additionally, some of the videos are available on gay porn sites. The media outlet sent questions to Bese but has not received an answer yet.

They also reached out to Balázs Bábel, the Archbishop of Kalocsa-Kecskemét, but he did not answer. However, Válasz Online learned he was baffled reading about the scandal. He thought he was in a good relationship with Bese but knew nothing about the clergyman’s double life. He will make his decision in days.

Father Gergő Bese gay parties
The last song as a priest? Photo: FB/Gergő Bese

A public figure slamming Orbán and Fidesz critics

Válasz Online wrote Mr Bese regularly crossed between church and public life. The media outlet said he was a flag-bearer of political Christianity, putting the interests of Fidesz above the Roman Catholic Church. He blessed PM Orbán’s office in Buda Castle’s Carmelite Monastery and the government-close Megafon Centre. He campaigned for the government during the 2022 general elections, writing that those voting for the opposition choose tuition fees in schools, unbearable payments in social institutes and the lockdown of village temples.

Father Gergő Bese gay parties
Gergő Bese in the government-close Hír FM. Photo: FB/Gergő Bese

He slammed Hungarian singer Gabi Tóth because of her divorce and the drag queens performing at the 2024 Paris Olympics’ opening ceremony. Bese wrote about the LGBTQ ideology and its aim to conquer the world and how difficult it was for a kid living in a single-parent family to find an identity. That is when LGBTQ propaganda can find and “change” them, he argued.

He slammed the demonstration of church school teachers, Péter Magyar, whom he called the Judas of Fidesz, accepting the 30 pieces of silver.

Father Gergő Bese gay parties
With Hungarian showman Lagzi Lajcsi. Photo: FB/Gergő Bese

His family received millions

Bese is also a financial beneficiary of the Orbán government. In the last six years, they received HUF 41 million (EUR 101 thousand) from a civil fund supporting almost only the Fidesz-close NGOs. Even though the two NGOs applying are officially led by Bese’s mother and sibling, his email address and phone number were given under the contact details. Apart from the subvention, they received more than HUF 60 million (EUR 152 thousand) through different programmes from the Prime Minister’s Office, the Cultural Ministry and the Bethlen Gábor Fund. Moreover, he is renting the Regina Hungarorum in Medjugorje.

UPDATE: Bese suspended

After the publication of Válasz Online’s article, the Archbishop of Kalocsa-Kecskemét issued his official reaction concerning the issue. The brief statement wrote that Dr Balázs Bábel suspended Bese today. Mr Bese has not responded yet to Válasz Online’s questions but his Facebook page and profiles have become unavailable.

Read also:

  • Szájer sex scandal – the former Fidesz MEP is still in touch with the organiser of the orgy
  • Olympic champion-turned-mayor caught up in sex scandal – details in THIS article



  1. That’s interesting to read that a gay priest blessed Orban’s office. Can there be another blessing for Orban’s office for an orientation conversion back to hetero? We need Steiner here to provide a homophobic rant.

  2. The picture says it all. Man. These Fidesz priests and politicians can’t stop kissing Russian ass. You can find humour in these things but Hungary is a political nightmare.

  3. Guess who the most powerful men at the Vatican are ? Maybe you can explain what LGBTQ++++ is who is behind it – start by explaining exactly what each letter means. How did it become the gateway to sexual documentation for young children. Any perversion of the month will be given credibility. Goverments like the EU will happily bend over for the cause. The biggest issue T is being pushed that has little do with male relationships, it exactly the opposite.

  4. What’s the problem with him being gay, other than he hides his true self while preaching some false form of virtue? Jesus and his disciples are always pictured wearing long flowing gowns and stylish footwear.

  5. John Woods, you say: “Why is it problematic if a Roman Catholic priest is gay, participates in gay parties, or maintains intimate relationships with men?”
    Although the journalistic value of the article is unquestionable I recommend limiting your opinions to your area of expertise. All catholic priests take vows of celibacy and this includes both hetero and homosexual practices, so this activities although private matters should be exposed to believers who expect a certain behavior form their priests.

    • Dear Juan, thank you for your input. Our colleague did not wish to share his opinion but rather chose a food-for-thought question that keeps the reader engaged, right at the beginning of the article. Following the question, he explained the situation similarly to you: “Besides church consequences, such facts should remain part of his private life. However, the case of Father Gergő Bese is different,” referring to the fact that the priest was preaching the opposite of what he was exercising. Thank you for reading us!

  6. Oh look, another homophobic hypocrite hiding behind a collar. Surprise, surprise.

    Legislated homophobia creates closets, closets create hypocrisy. End homophobia now!

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