PROGRAMME GUIDE: 20 August in Budapest – programmes, food & drink prices

More than a hundred programmes will be on offer during a three-day festival in Budapest to mark the 20 August national holiday celebrating Hungary’s statehood, the event’s organisers said on Tuesday.

Traditional Hungarian food, cultural and musical programmes await visitors

Goulash soup, Hungarian, traditional, food
Gulyásleves – goulash soup

Visitors taking part in the events from 18 to 20 August will get to try traditional Hungarian food and enjoy a range of cultural and musical programmes at more than 20 locations, they told MTI.

Festive ceremoney, air show, holy mass, fireworks

Budapest, 2022. augusztus 27.
Tûzijáték a Duna felett Budapesten 2022. augusztus 27-én. A látványosságot az Országos Meteorológiai Szolgálat (OMSZ) zivatarra figyelmeztetõ vészjelzése alapján halasztotta el egy héttel az augusztus 20-ai nemzeti ünnep biztonságos lebonyolításáért felelõs operatív törzs.
MTI/Lakatos Péter

The official state celebrations on 20 August will begin with the hoisting of the national flag and a St. Stephen’s Day festive ceremony in front of Parliament. It will be followed by an air show over the Danube, the traditional festive holy mass and the procession of Saint Stephen’s Holy Right Hand.

The festivities will close out with the traditional evening fireworks display over the Danube, with some 34,000 fireworks set to go off between Margaret Bridge and Petőfi Bridge.

Gastronomy, fashion, design, crafts

August 20 celebration photo
Celebration of masters and crafts in Budapest. Photo: MTI

The Street of Hungarian Flavours will present the gastronomy of the Carpathian Basin.

The Fashion and Design Festival at Millenáris Park will be ready to welcome those interested in Hungarian fashion, jewellery and design.

Meanwhile, the Festival of Folk Arts, featuring some 1,000 Hungarian and international craftsmen, will once again be held at Buda Castle.

Golden Train, Promenade of Cities, Heroes’ Road

golden train aranyvonat
The Golden Train (Aranyvonat). Source: MTI/Máthé Zoltán

During the three-day event, visitors can visit the iconic Golden Train (Aranyvonat), originally built in 1938. The Promenade of Cities (Városok sétánya) features a spectacular installation of the flags of 348 Hungarian cities, counties and 102 towns of historic Hungary. You can get to know the heroes of the Hungarian nation on the Heroes’ Road (Hősök útja) programme.

Prices of foods and drinks

In order to ensure that guests attending the St. Stephen’s Day celebrations will have access to food and drinks at affordable prices again this year, there will be a price freeze on products, Index reports. A beer will cost HUF 350 (EUR 0.90), a mineral water HUF 190 (EUR 0.49) and a pretzel HUF 300 (EUR 0.77). The discounted food and drinks will be available at the St. Stephen’s Day points.

The organisers aim to make the food and drink on St Stephen’s Day accessible and affordable for all. The prices of mineral water, beer and pretzels are unchanged from last year. Meanwhile, the prices of other products have increased only slightly, but remail well below the market prices during the event.

In order to offer a wide range of products and services, the organisers are working with a number of companies that meet the requirements in terms of experience, quality and product range, the statement of the organisers said.

Official partners selling St. Stephen’s Day products will be distinguished from non-official partners by a clearly visible sticker with the St. Stephen’s Day logo.

Official St. Stephen’s Day products

Here are official products with the St. Stephen’s Day logo, as well as a range of other fixed-price products:

Szentkirályi mineral water (carbonated and non-carbonated) HUF 190 / EUR 0.49
Extra carbonated mineral water HUF 99 / EUR 0.26
Pepsi (0.5 litre) and Pepsi Max (0.5 litre) HUF 320 / EUR 0.83
Borsodi – canned beer (0.5 litre) HUF 350 / EUR 0.90
Borsodi – draught beer (0.5 litre) HUF 350 / EUR 0.90
Kancellár wine (1 dl) HUF 220 / EUR 0.57
Nobilis Irsai pálinka (4 cl) HUF 750 / EUR 1.94
Pirulo watermelon-apple ice cream (73 ml) HUF 390 / EUR 1.01
Wiener pretzel (~100g) HUF 300 / EUR 0.77
Pogácsa (~80g) HUF 275 / EUR 0.71


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