Romania’s Prime Minister threatens to hang Hungarians

Mihai TUDOSE, Romania’s Prime Minister threatened to hang those Hungarians from Transylvania, who hoist the Szekler flag, the unofficial regional symbol of three Romanian counties.
The Prime Minister said this after the presidents of the three Hungarian parties from Transylvania signed a joint statement regarding autonomy. The declaration adopted in Cluj-Napoca/Kolozsvár by UDMR/RMDSZ, PCM/MPP and PPMT/EMNP briefly enumerates the principles meant to clarify their common stance on the various notions of autonomy. The Romanian politicians and public figures reacting to this story completely rejected the idea, saying that it is unacceptable and unconstitutional to speak about autonomy in Romania.
In a talk-show entitled Jocuri de putere (Power games) on Realitatea TV, which aired on the 10th of January, Prime Minister Mihai TUDOSE shockingly suggested the hanging of those who support autonomy. He declared that, as Prime Minister, his stance on autonomy is the same as his view on people hoisting the Szekler flag:
“I clearly stated that if the Szekler flag will wave, then those who put it up will also wave next to the flag.”

Romanian Prime Minister Mihai Tudose threatens to hang Hungarians from Transylvania
The Hungarian organisations in Romania unanimously condemned the statement of the Prime Minister. In a press release the Szekler Council of Local Representatives called it an outrageous provocation and asked the Prime Minister to apologise from the Szekler people for offending their dignity and threatening their physical wellbeing.
Moreover, the Prime Minister’s statement was also condemned by UDMR/RMDSZ, its executive president, Bálint PORCSALMI calling it primitive and medieval. “The Prime Minister can agree or disagree with a political statement or a political project, but he cannot send those with whom he disagrees to hang” – said PORCSALMI.
The Mikó Imre Minority Rights Legal Services Assistance considers the Prime Minister’s statement to be intimidating and unworthy of his office. We believe that under no circumstances can the prime minister of a democratic state threaten the national communities living in that country with barbaric and medieval aggression and physical annihilation.
Regarding the issue, Erika BENKŐ, the president of the Mikó Imre Minority Rights Legal Services Assistance declared:
“Although we had expected that in the year of the centennial Hungarians in Transylvania would be exposed to ever more violent attacks, the Prime Minister’s threats to hang Hungarians surpass all limits.
This tone is frightening, unworthy, primitive and it shakes the Hungarian community’s sense of security. Romania is a country governed by the rule of law and the Prime Minister must conduct himself accordingly. The Mikó Imre Minority Rights Legal Services Assistance will notify the competent authorities and the international community regarding the Prime Minister’s menacing behaviour towards the Hungarian community. We find the dark remarks of the Prime Minister, reminiscent of the medieval age, to be extremely worrisome and frightening.
[button link=”” type=”big” newwindow=”yes”] HUNGARY’S FM: ROMANIAN PM’S REMARKS REGARDING HUNGARIAN AUTONOMY ‘UNACCEPTABLE’[/button]
Source: Mikó Imre Minority Rights Legal Services Assistance
I see the Romanian Prime Minister is a racist, perhaps some one should bring him before the UN to let the old fuddy duddy explain his fascist beliefs before the world as he’s quite unfit to govern if he is set on hanging people which he seems intent on doing.
We’re in the twenty first century now and this sort of behaviour is un allowable i.e. it is a Sectional Offence under a mental health act in most countries now and he obviously needs urgent treatment. I’m afraid it’s the naughty room for him the one with the straight jacket and rubber walls, floor and ceiling.
An old drunk dimwitted goat shagger. Typical thinking from a backwards leaning country bumpkin shite colony. Where is NATOS or the E.U.’s take on this? What about the U.N.?
Unfortunately, the Hungarian government can do very little about the threats to Hungarians living in neighboring countries. Hungary has pretty much isolated itself within the EU with just a few exceptions. Because of the very close Hungarian relations with Russia and certain domestic legislation Hungarian relations with the USA are not very strong. Furthermore, the size and equipment of the Hungarian armed forces also puts Hungary at a fatal disadvantage. This is what happens when you burn all your bridges.
Maybe, it s having right in what he said, for a minority raport of 3 %, in from 23 million to ask such a thing autonomy and causing so much trouble along the years, I Don t find it right and logic thing to do. Plus from that minority of 3% which they are citizens of Rumænien. And they burn flags of Rumenia, and so many things out of law. First they should respect country. They live there. Law and state of Rumenia de got born there they eat and live there. Why they didn’t go to Hungary? If Rumenia it s not good.
The PM speech is wrongly translated. He said that those people will lose their jobs. It was a metaphor and i am sure that none of the native Romanian speakers understood it like ‘hanging’ on a rope.
Alex, you are translating it. If this was wrongly perceived or translated, where is the retraction, apology or clarification from the Romanian government? I haven’t seen one, have you? Also, international media has picked up on what Tudose stated, which makes Romania look bad.