A Hungarian woman gave 4-10 EUR per month to a starving Congolese man: now he has a store chain!

A Hungarian woman living in Etyek, Fejér County, started to support a Congolese teenager in 2015, which changed the life of the boy’s family. The Congolese man started to work as a rock breaker at the age of 12, but thanks to the 4-7-10-12 EUR Katalin sent him every month, now he has a store chain in Congo named after his generous supporter.
According to telex.hu, when she prepared for travelling to Congo, Katalin asked André what gift she should bring him. He replied that he would not like a present but a job. That is when she realised how poor André was even though the boy was a university student by then. He told her that there are days when they do not have anything to eat, and it happened many times that he could not go home, so
he had to spend the night in churches.
That is when the regular subventions started to come every month from Katalin to the Congolese family. She transferred only a couple of EUR every month, but André and his family could open a meat store in Congo using the money. The family still lived in deep poverty, but they could eat something from the daily 3 dollars they earned with the business.
After she visited them in Congo, she decided to continue to support the family. Thanks to that, André could open another store, which he named Katalin. As a result, they could eat twice a day, and the children could go to school.
However, the epidemic came, and Katalin asked for help on Facebook. To her biggest surprise, a lot of money came, so André and his family could buy a house in Congo. Furthermore,
the former Congolese boy who used to starve every day, could finish his studies and now works as an interpreter for the ministry of transport.
Even so, he does not receive a regular paycheck since the government could not send salaries in the last four months.
But they could open a third store, which they named Katalin as well. “People sometimes ask what Katalin means. I tell them that it is a female name, and there is a long story behind it. If they want, I share it with them,” André added.
Source: telex.hu, RTL Klub
Obviously, Hungary is the richest country on the planet and that is why she couldn’t find anyone in Hungary to help.
So, what is the opposition whining about?
Deeds we do others – small things, don’t need to “stand out” or large – getting noticed, but small acts of sharing and giving.
Deeds grow and build us – bring us and Communities closer – not just those we share in doing a Deed – but it spreads – gets into our DNA – in the understanding of what doing a Deed truely MEANS.
This lady – the Riches as a Reward she will receive – will outweigh the Deed – that this article richly explains.
Walking District of Budapest this past week, pile of clean clothing left for those who may find them of need, but besides the “used” clothing – (6) six large bottles still packed of Water.
Beautiful and Enriching experience and Deed.
Great for the Soul – doing Deeds – Good Life Thing.