Socialists: EU prosecutor’s office would fight Orbán regime’s worst excesses
If Hungary joined the European public prosecutor’s office, the worst excesses of the Orbán regime would be curbed, the opposition Socialists said on Friday.
The European public prosecutor’s office would not violate Hungary’s sovereignty because it would be only in charge of cases that involve EU money, deputy group leader Tamás Harangozó told a press conference.
According to some proposals,
member states that refuse to join the European public prosecutor’s office should not be eligible for cohesion funding, he said.
Such funding helps to build schools, kindergartens, roads and hospitals, he added.
Harangozó asked Hungarian citizens to support a signature drive launched by independent lawmaker Ákos Hadházy, calling for Hungary to join the European public prosecutor’s office.
István Ujhelyi, Socialist MEP and EP campaign leader, said
the Sargentini report’s most serious accusations concerned the corrupt use of EU resources linked to the government.
Hungary could lose as much as 500-1,000 billion forints (EUR 1.55bn – 3.1bn) of the 9,500 billion forints available in the current budget period as a result of Prime Minister Viktor “Orbán’s corrupt system”. EU comptrollers have stated that the Hungarian system for EU tenders included serious faults, affecting almost all of the projects monitored. Payments are still suspended for three operative programmes, he added.
The European public prosecutor’s office could help EU taxpayer monies reach Hungarian people who actually deserve them instead of ending up in the hands of oligarchs, he added.
Source: MTI
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Are the Hungarian socialists serious in their accusations about fraude? Haven’t they noticed that during the period 1948-1988 their socialist friends have stolen million of dollars from the Hungarians. Thank God that there is a strong person with a straight back: Mr. Orbán. That ‘lady’ from the German Democratic Republic and Führer of the Freie Deutsche Jugend is so stupid to accuse Mr. Orbán because of his good relations with many Eastern-European countries, Italy and Austria. He can also count on support of the people in many other European countries. Frau Sauer is the most hated person in Germany, she is lying constantly and even the loss of her party CDU does not bother her at all. She thinks that nobody should praise Mr. Salvin. Victor Orbán and Matteo Salvini are political comrades and she does not like this at all. During the EU summit, she criticized Orbán for his hymns on the new Italian government. However, this monster does not seem to shy away from exposing herself and behaving rude: during the current EU summit, this learner loathed the Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orbán because she did not like the close bonds between Italy and Hungary. The new Italian government would dissociate itself, but it would also be the case for the Italian Minister of Home Affairs Matteo Salvini of the LEGA. For example, Orbán would have said about Salvini that he would be his hero and fight-buddy (“Mirror-Online”).
Then Sauer wallowed in the praise that came from other mainstream politicians. Once again, the division of the EU is becoming clear: the only way to protect reforms and Europe against mass immigration. The others because of the old Europe through mass immigration and give more power to the EU over the states. A proponent, on the other hand, has found Orbán in the Austrian chancellor Sebastian Kurz. Orbán also receives support from the Eastern European countries. Listen here how Germans think about Sauer:
The Socialist (Communist) puppets of Soros should really sit down and be silent. The voters spoke last April and a clear message was sent. Your tired ideas are no longer helpful for Hungarians. Orban and his team are doing a great job for the Hungarian people. If the Socialist want to talk about corruption, lets talk about the 40 plus years of corruption they were responsible for when they were the Communist Party.