Survey: less than half of Hungarians think homosexuality should be accepted

A 2020 study reveals that Hungarians, among almost all of the V4 countries, are not as accepting of homosexuality as we would have thought. Less than half of the Hungarian respondents agreed with the statement that homosexuality should be accepted by society.
Kafkadesk spotted the interesting survey examining people’s acceptance of homosexuality in different countries.
The Pew Research Centre conducted an international study examining acceptance of homosexuality in various countries. As probably expected, opinions vary according to country, region, and economic development.
Results reveal that people living in Western Europe and the Americas are generally more accepting of homosexuality, in contrast with Eastern Europe, Russia, and the Middle East, where people have a more dismissive attitude. Unfortunately, Hungary is no exception.
It turns out that the Czech Republic is the only V4 country where the majority of respondents (59%) think that homosexuality should be accepted by society. In the other three, in Poland, Hungary, and Slovakia, less than half of the participants agreed with that statement.

According to the 2020 survey, only 49% of Hungarian respondents believe that homosexuality should be accepted by society, 39% are explicitly opposed to homosexuality being accepted, and the rest of the respondents either did not answer or did not know.
The same percentage in Poland is 47% vs. 46% in Slovakia.
It is important to mention that the majority of young respondents (aged 18-29) thought society should accept homosexuality (Czech Republic – 75%, Hungary – 65%, Slovakia – 61%, Poland – 60%), and it was mainly the older generation who thought otherwise.
Unfortunately, Hungary was not included in the previous survey conducted in 2013, so we cannot compare data.
For more detailed information, please check out the Pew Research Centre’s original study here.
Welcome to the Middle Ages….
Why is it ‘unfortunate’ that the majority of Hungarians do NOT accept ‘homosexuals’ and LGBTQs ?
Not only do such ‘individuals’ practice sexual behaviours that run CONTRARY to Nature but – if one believes in an Almighty deity – then their actions ALSO go against mainstream religious beliefs, including those held by the majority of Hungarians.
However, ‘salvation’ is at hand for these poor ‘discriminated victims’.
Norway has recently announced (see “EURONEWS”) that it will give preferential treatment to LGBTQ ‘refugees’ within Europe.
The only problem is that for most of the year it will NOT be possible to ‘prance around’ in T-shirts and shorts holding balloons and waving ridiculous ‘rainbow’ flags.
Those global acceptance rates are false! 72% in the USA? When it was up to the voters to decide gay promoted initiatives, the public ALWAYS voted them down with a large margin. All current gay initiatives were decided and implemented by gay activist judges, never by the public. Do your research.
Just say NO to the perverts!
I am elderly and have known many LGBTQ in my lifetime. None I know would have chosen this because of the hateful discrimination and often physical torture they’ve experienced, but most have learned to accept it, some happily. Homosexuality has a genetic basis. We are all creatures of God. Imperfect. There are many dramatic behaviors, some socially unacceptable, on the wide spectrum of behavior just as in heterosexuals. It is difficult to accept and understand for some, but important to love everyone because they are human beings.
What people say in surveys and what they do in private is very different. In the years that I have lived here I have spoken to lots of men, usually married or with a regular friend, often with children, who do iccasionally enjoy sex with other men. It is much, much more common than one might think.
Just say NO to moral degeneracy.
What ‘alternative universe’ does Orbis live in when he says ‘here’ ?
The Hungary that I know is certainly NOT inhabited by ‘lots of men … who do (o)ccasionally enjoy sex with other men.’
Perhaps he is referring to Hungary’s PRISON population which – like in other countries – is (possibly) over-represented by inmates forced to be ‘poofie-woofies’ if they want to exercise their doodles.
If that is the case, then hopefully Orbis has / will soon be ‘released’ so that he can return to normal society.
On the other hand, maybe Orbis is nothing but a ‘space cadet’ who needs to get out of orbit and return to Planet Earth.
So much illiterate hate speech between comentarists. Darkest unhappy humans trying to make the others accept their bitternes. So bad comments can’t be reported @Dailynewshungary
“Acceptance” is too broad a noun and if it’s not defined, that survey is meaningless. What does acceptance mean, not taking homosexuals to jail for holding hands in the street or giving them the same level of priory when adopting children? As usual, the devil is in the details..