Szijjártó: The global majority agrees with us
Contrary to what the world’s liberal political and media sphere says, the global majority, much like Hungary, clearly wants peace in Ukraine as soon as possible, Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó said in Budapest on Tuesday.
Europe is facing its most serious security and economic challenges since the second world war, Szijjártó told an international conference organised by Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC), according to a ministry statement. Moreover, the risk of escalation is greater than ever before, while Europeans are in no way responsible for the outbreak of the war, he added.
“The fact that there are European political leaders who suffer from an increasingly worsening war psychosis is another matter,” Szijjártó said. “It also must be made clear that this is not the European people’s war, but all Europeans are paying the price for it.”
He criticised the European Union’s sanctions policy and that the bloc had “allowed the United States to provoke it into a race to see who delivers more weapons to Ukraine”.
The EU has seen a steep fall in its competitiveness, and energy prices are several times higher than in the US and China, the minister said. Meanwhile, he said that while the US Inflation Reduction Act put American businesses at an advantage, “Brussels bureaucracy” was forcing decisions that hurt all European companies.
“What’s more, the war is taking place here and its impact is much stronger in Europe,” he said.
The sanctions that have been introduced have failed to bring Russia to its knees and end the fighting, he said, adding that they had hurt Europe more than they had Russia.
“One year, three months and two weeks after the start of the war, during the debate on the eleventh sanctions package, I think it is clear to everyone, that the sanctions have failed to achieve either of their two goals,” Szijjártó said.
He warned that escalation always had the most serious effect on neighbouring countries, which was why, he said, Hungary was in a particularly difficult situation, not least because Hungarians were also dying in the war.
“And we don’t want more Hungarians do die, just like we don’t want anyone of any other nationality to die in this war,” the minister said.
“That is one of the reasons why we demand an immediate ceasefire and a start to peace talks that can at least offer hope of a sustainable peace ensuring long-term security in our region,” Szijjártó added.
He said one serious consequence of the war was the re-emergence of blocs in the world, which, he said, was “completely against the interests of central Europe”. He also raised the question of where the tens of thousands of weapons delivered to Ukraine may end up in the coming years.
Szijjártó said while western Europeans wanted to “decouple” the European and Chinese economies, major business executives were constantly asking Hungary to convince Chinese companies to invest in their area.
He also emphasised that there were several places in the world where just a fraction of the weapons sent to Ukraine could lead to “serious catastrophes, security crises and instability”.
Szijjártó said the world was “bigger than Europe”, adding that the global majority wanted peace. “We therefore mustn’t believe the mainstream liberal political and media sphere of the transatlantic world, because they’re trying to convince us that the rest of the world agrees with what we in the transatlantic region say, hear or want to say and want to hear,” he added.
But he said though the pro-peace side was under “constant pressure” from those who were “pro-war”, there was not a single Foreign Affairs Council meeting where at least some of his counterparts did not ask him in private to be “tough” on his stance.
“So that’s the situation that we’re in, but this shouldn’t discourage us from looking at this whole thing from a Hungarian perspective,” Szijjártó said.
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It is very myopic of Hungary’s regime to burn bridges with the predominantly Christian democratic Western world to which it belongs 100% in order to score short-term economic gains (e.g. investments) with the likes of China and other autocratic regimes, who pose a real threat to European democratic values. Do Hungarians wish to live in a world dominated by China, a world leader in human rights abuses, an expert in hostage diplomacy, a country that relies on hard power to obtain what it wants? Maybe Szijjártó should think about that more.
Fake news from Peter as always.
From The Globe and Mail (Toronto, Canada) – This is what Szijjarto wants us to sweep under the rug and not fight against – shame.
“There are fascists fighting in Ukraine – but they wear Russian uniforms.
It is Russia (more specifically, Mr. Putin) that launched a war of aggression last year, invading Ukraine in violation not only of international law but of specific security guarantees. It is Russia that has deliberately targeted civilians and civil infrastructure. It is Russia that has executed civilians and dumped their bodies in unmarked graves, Russia that has laid waste to cities, Russia that is attempting to extinguish Ukrainian sovereignty and culture. Russia, not Ukraine, is the inheritor of Nazi barbarism.”
Contrary to Szijjarto’s Kremlin propaganda here is what Europeans think. They overwhelmingly see Russia as an adversary or rival and that opinion has continued to dramatically increase doubling over the last two years. Even Hungarians are against Russia in spite of the constant Fidesz propaganda. This government is a Putin puppet regime.
Vladimir Kurza-Murza in April received a 25 year sentence in Moscow based entirely for speaking out against the war. Amnesty International has designated him as a prisoner of conscience. I recommend Szijjarto and everyone else to read the attached essay from him about the regime that the Fidesz government calls “a partner” of Hungary. It makes be ashamed to be Hungarian to read the words of Szijjarto and Orban.
Jacob, what Christian Democracies? Ancient churches in Germany and Holland are turned into bicycle shops. There is no such thing is free speech. Try to say a crime was committed by illegal migrants or Muslims, you may end up in jail. Try to say in Germany that illegal migrants do not belong in the country, and you will be destroyed by the left and called a racist.
As far as the people of Ukraine go, I am sure that they would prefer to live in peace rather than have a raging war on its territory. Previously, the oil pipeline was destroyed. It seems that Ukrainians destroyed the pipeline so no gas/oil can be sent to Germany. Now, a dam was destroyed. Dear, anti-Hungarians, wait for the release of the satellite picture before condemning anyone.
Russia is fighting for ancient Russian lands. How often Hungarians wish that Transylvania and other forfeited lands would be returned.
I would still like to know what advantage Hungary received being in the EU? Every western economy is affected by the war, war that causes high inflation. It makes it harder for ordinary people to put food on the table. Think of your family before you support any war. War makes losers of us all.
Once again Maria spouts lies from her perch in North America. She knows nothing about Hungary or the day to day living experience here. She is a typical example of Hungarians who have fled to North America for a better life and now think they “know” Hungary and our lives here.
Repetitively – the “voice from the Maple Leaf” – mariavontheresa – the ADORER of Victor Orban, by her self admission – a paid up Full Member of the Fidesz Party, commentates jet AGAIN – in FABRICATION and total misleading untruths.
The Foreign Minister of Hungary – the “Goebbels” look alike – Peter Szijjarto, continues to exhibit, through PROPAGANDA – making statements that are ABSURB.
Must be NEARING Szijjarto’s time as Foreign Minister?
Problems in the Orban camp – from different sides of opposition finding a suitable replacement ?
Family life – happiness in Family with young and “little ones.” – would STRAIN a MARRIAGE the ministerial position, travel time away from Wife & Children- the life of being a Foreign Minister.
Guys, you have not answered. What is Hungary’s gain in being in the EU. Jacob, you have not answered what Christian Democracies are in in the EU. There is another important question Why would Hungary support a dictatorship (Ukraine was and is a dictatorship, no opposition is allowed) and a country that oppressed Hungarian minority?
Yes, I am a fan of Orban’s Christian, Conservative government. I do not apologize for my political philosophy. If the commentators studied history, they would realize that there never was a country that supported Hungary. Let see, all western countries bombed Hungary during WWII. The presence of Habsburgs, Russians, Germans or Turks were never advantageous. Why in heavens name would any Hungarian trust an EU member? EU countries want domination, dumped chemically treated grains in the country, wanted Hungary to be filled with members of a society that cannot assimilate (illegal migrants), support the mutilation of Hungarian children. It is time that you, Dear Commentators, removed your rose-colored glasses.
Finally, no government is perfect, at least the Orban government is Pro Hungarian.
Very pro Hungarian if you are in his inner circle. Very anti Hungarian if you are not rich, want an education, desire good health care facilities, and on and on. Hungary sided with the Germans in WW1, and then the Nazis in WW2. Of course the democratically elected governments of western Europe have their doubts about Hungary, as it is now led by your friend Victor who is in bed with the Butcher of Russia, Putin. He also supports the hopeful dicator of the U.S., Trump. You are not blind, just turn off Fox news in Canada dear.
Concur – MariaVon Thesas Closet.
The “Shallowness” of her/his whatever arguments that come out of the “Maple Leaf” – Astounding.
NEVER but remains weirdly thinking, that Hungary can stand alone.
This has been the COLLAPSING platform, coming out of the “Maple Leaf” post February 2020, the outbreak of the Coronavirus Pandemic, that all but paralyzed Hungary at that time.
Post this date February 2020 – we FACTUALLY know that Hungary has descending into a deepening NADIR.
Hungary doesn’t need the European Union, nor relationships with the West, nor country’s Governed under DEMOCRACY – the “jargon” of marievontheresa.
marievonthereesa – this is the REPETATIVE wrongful perilous platform you take – that Hungary – its FUTURE continue to build relationships with Mother Russia and China – be reliant on them, they WILL be our BUILDERS – our ‘Stays” – of the future Hungary.
Democracy – has its WRONGS but go back in time to a FAMOUS quote of Sir Winston. Spencer. Churchill – admitting;
” There are numbers of Political Parties, all with there opinions and ideas, some good and some bad but in the end – DEMOCRACY, still and forever will REMAIN the Best of THEM.”
Wisdom of the Words – for the Future of Hungary.
What is Hungary’s advantage of being in the EU??? One of these days someone will come up with at least one good reason.
Hungary should be neutral. It is not necessary to be friends of people you trade with. It was better to be warm in the winter than at a home heated at 15 degrees. All trades should benefit the county.
Dear commentators, why are you so anxious to cede Hungary’s sovereignty to globalists EU? Which central EU country feels that EU fairly dealt with them? Why is there no stability in Slovakia? People of the Czech Republic are protesting against helping Ukraine because their government felt they did not have a choice? Why is the EU interfering in the internal affairs of Poland, at a time when Poland is filled with and supporting over 1 million refugees from Ukraine. The EU only accepted the V4 countries because it needed a buffer.
Hungarians elected Prime Minister Orban with a majority. It is time to cooperate with this government. If people feel that this government did not fulfill its mandate, it is up to the Hungarian people to elect of different government. Until the next election, people should support their national government and not undermine policies that are made to better serve the population.