

Fidesz group leader: Ethnic Hungarians deserve say in nation’s key issues

"If the Hungarian nation is unified, there are only Hungarian issues" #Hungary #HungaryElection2018 #ethnic #Hungarians abroad

Human resources minister Balog resigns

"I suggested some changes which he (Orbán) did not accept" #Hungary #government #humanresources #minister

Cheap Hungarian citizenship for sale on the dark web

Since the #Hungarian #citizenship is cheaper than the #Spanish or Hungarian minister #Rogán’s #residency bond program many try to buy it on the #dark web. And if there is a #need, there will be a #supply. #Hungary #corruption #scandal #cheating #citizenshipbusiness

Bloomberg: PM Orbán is not another Putin, he is more sophisticated

Though PM #Orbán’s #Hungary resembles in some way to #Putin’s #Russia or #Erdogan’s #Turkey there are considerable differences, too. Orbán will not become a #dictator, he simply does not need it. #Hungarian #elections #media #corruption #politics

Demonstrators protest for democracy in Budapest – UPDATE – PHOTOS, VIDEO

Tens of thousands of Hungarians in anti-Orbán protest! - PHOTOS, VIDEO #hungary #hungarians #demonstration #budapest

George Soros’s Open Society Foundations closes Budapest office

#Soros apparently yields to the pressure of #Hungary's #Orbán government which has been campaigning against him

Fidesz spokesperson slams ‘pro-migration Soros organisation’ after court ruling

#Fidesz spokesperson Halász: the #Hungarian Helsinki Committee "is involved in the #migrant business up to its jugular" #Hungary #GeorgeSoros

Election 2018 – Cabinet chief: Hungary will not budge on migration

"With the stakes this high, it is obvious that Viktor #Orbán is a gigantic plank in the eyes of billionaires like #GeorgeSoros and politicians promoting #migration," Rogán said. #Hungary #Hungarian

Fidesz-KDNP MEP group rejects planned European Values Instrument

The instrument is meant to support #NGOs promoting #democracy, the rule of #law and fundamental values in #EU member states. #Hungary #Hungarian #Fidesz

Election 2018 – French president, state and religious leaders congratulate Orbán

Further congratulations to Viktor Orbán #HungaryElection2018 #ViktorOrbán #congratulation #Fidesz

New parliament to meet on May 8

The president asked Viktor Orbán to start talks on forming a #government #parliament #Fidesz

After victory: government takes billions from hospitals in Hungary

Though most of the #hospitals struggle with gigantic #debts the #government now wants them to transfer all of their ‘free of charge’ money to the #Hungarian State #Treasury. According to, the amount can reach 20 bn HUF (EUR 64.4M). #money #health care #Hungary #doctors #nurses

Hungary’s new government can start its activities in a stable economic situation

"The new governmental structure will have to be adjusted to the final result of the elections and its principal message: strengthening security and defending the country’s independence" #HungaryElection2018 #Fidesz #government #parliament

Fight for the biggest Hungarian opposition paper: awaiting foreign investors?

#Hungarian green party #LMP’s board member Péter #Ungár is searching for #Australian, #Israeli and #Spanish #investors to buy #Simicska’s #media portfolio including #Magyar Nemzet, #Heti Válasz and #Lánchíd Radio. #Hungary #business #entrepreneur #money #newspaper

Sweden investigates Hungarian Deputy PM’s hunt scandal

The #Swedish #Prosecution Authority investigates the issue of #Deputy PM #Semjén’s hunt in the country as #theft. However, they cannot tell whether they already suspect anybody or not. #Hungary #Hungarian #government #scandal #reindeer #moose #fool-hen

The Embassy of the US condemns the listing of ’Soros’s Hungarian agents’

#Government close #Figyelő published the names of those people who they suspect to work for so called #‘Soros organizations.’ The #Embassy of the #US condemned the list in a #tweet. #Hungary #Hungarian #softdiplomacy #Washington #ambassador

Hungarian government: Saturday demonstration organised with Soros’s money

"Hungary's government has been given a strong mandate to counter the efforts of the EU, the UN and Soros"

Hungarian state media journalists admit they forged ‘atmosphere of fear’

#State-run television conglomerate employees revealed to the #Guardian that they feel sorry because they influenced people with #false stories and so they helped #government parties to gain another 2/3rd majority in the #elections last Sunday. #Hungary #Hungarian #MTVA #propaganda #migration #Soros #opposition

Election 2018 – Orbán’s party alliance wins two-thirds majority after all votes counted

FINAL RESULTS OF #HUNGARYELECTION2018: Orbán wins two-thirds majority! #hungary #hungarian #fidesz #jobbik #mszp #dk #lmp

Election 2018 – Cabinet chief: Fidesz preparing to form new government

The cabinet office chief said more would be revealed about the expected structure of the new government by early May. #hungary #hungarian #hungaryelection2018 #fidesz