Viktor Orbán


Orbán: As long as we lead the country, Hungary won’t get into war

Orbán, again, named what and who we have to fight against. #orbán #fidesz #epelections

Opposition Momentum: Without us, we can’t find our way back to Europe

The opposition party launched its European Parliament and local council election campaign in Budapest on Friday. #opposition #momentum #budapest #politics #europeanparliament

PM Orbán, President Sulyok meet Swiss president

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán met Viola Amherd, the President of the Swiss Confederation, to discuss Hungary's upcoming EU presidency. #switzerland #viktororbán #president

PM Orbán’s chilling warning: NATO is sliding into the war

NATO is not sending soldiers but coordinating training and weapon deliveries, "so it is sliding into the war", Orbán said. #orbán #nato #war #europeanunion

VSquare: PM Orbán’s only son, Captain Gáspár, may be creating new Hungarian super secret service

Furthermore, his task is to search for new, far-away business opportunities! #viktororbán #government #chad #africa #secretservice

Balázs Orbán: Guaranteeing Hungary’s security a priority

According to Balázs Orbán, the PM's political director, European leaders are "sticking to their pro-war stance". #europe #war #security

Hate speech? PM Orbán in Brussels: Hungary does not want a mixed society!

Would you live in a mixed society? #ViktorOrbán #brussels #conference #rightwing #natcon

PM Orbán: “we are fighting against the Soros empire”

PM Orbán said in Brussels that he and his government was fighting against the Soros empire. Do you believe him? #soros #orbán #government #migration #ukraine

PM Orbán speaking at a public discussion in the European Parliament 🔄

Viktor Orbán summarised the Hungarian government's position at a public discussion in the European Parliament

Police officers put an end to Orbán’s convervatism conference in Brussels 🔄

"Brussels no longer capital of freedom" Police officers put an end to National Conservatism Conference

PM Orbán about Middle East conflict: What we feared has happened

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, in a Facebook post about the Middle East conflict on Sunday, vowed that his government “will do everything to ensure that the […]

Think-tank: Trump, Orbán fighting the same fight

Orbán and Trump are the ones who can see clearly that the policy of open borders, "woke madness" and the constant escalation of war, they said. #trump #orbán #election2024

PHOTOS: Orbán warmly welcomed in Morocco

His Moroccan counterpart looked very happy to receive Orbán. #morocco #orbán #politics #diplomacy

PM Orbán slammed EU migration pact in Africa

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán assessed Europe's political situation in his speech at a Centrist Democrat International leadership meeting in Marrakesh. #orbán #migration #eu #europeanunion #morocco

BREAKING: Euronews bought by Orbán-close company

According to leaked documents, an Orbán-close company bought Euronews by ultimately using Hungarian taxpayers' money. #taxpayer #balásy #business #euronews #money #direkt36 #factcheck #journalism #media

PM Orbán calls on Hungarians in third countries to vote

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has called on Hungarians living outside the European Union in a letter to vote at the European parliamentary elections #pmorbán #orbán #vote #elections #EP2024

Revealed: Washington’s biggest adversary likely to visit Budapest for talks with PM Orbán

Why does he come to Budapest? Do you have any guesses? #budapest #china #president #visit #washington #usa #cooperation #orbán

Billionaire Mészáros reveals bold expansion plans abroad, deep friendship with Orbán and triumph over criticism!

The billionaire nature of the Mészáros fortune is striking in global terms. Exclusive interview with Lőrinc Mészáros, who is Orbán's very close friend: #Orbán #Government #Interview

PM Orbán gets controversial award in Bosnia: Croatians, Bosnians may be outraged – UPDATED

Will the Bosnians and the Croatians protest? #Bosnia #Croatia #Serbia #Orbán #putin

Orbán travels to neighbouring country for mini summit

Orbán will participate in a preparatory meeting of the EU's Strategic Agenda 2024-2029 this evening. #orbán #romania #summit #europeanunion