The Hungarian government has been called a homophobic, kleptocratic, Putinist lapdog in the EU

The European Parliament may adopt a position in the coming days on the unsuitability of the Viktor OrbĂ¡n government to hold the EU presidency. The Hungarian government has come under attack from other EU countries including the Netherlands and Germany.
Brussels is contemplating an unprecedented move
More and more countries and politicians want Hungary to be excluded from the rotating presidency of the European Council in 2024. A resolution is already being drafted in the EU saying that it would be unacceptable for the Viktor OrbĂ¡n-led government to take over the representation of EU member states due to rule of law concerns.
Petri Sarvamaa, the EPP spokesman on budgetary control and rule of law issues, has expressed major concerns about Hungary’s ability to fulfil the role because the country does not respect EU laws, reports.
It is important to note that, although the political influence of the rotating presidency has diminished, it still plays a role in shaping the negotiations on EU legislation.
Harsh criticism from Germany and the Netherlands
“It is clear that the OrbĂ¡n government is totally unfit to chair the Council for six months. Europe cannot be led by homophobic, kleptocratic, Putinist lapdogs,” said Dutch MEP Sophie in ‘t Veld.
“A Hungarian EU presidency would be like electing OrbĂ¡n, a schoolyard bully, as headmaster. Holding the rotating presidency means speaking on behalf of the 27 member states, and he is not the right person for the job,” said German MEP Moritz Körner.
The Renew Europe Group is urging the Council to find a solution to the problem, reports.
Hungarian reaction
“Once again the European Parliament wants to take something away from Hungary. Next week, the EP will again vote on a resolution against Hungary, in which they want to block the Hungarian EU presidency in the second half of 2024″ – Judit Varga, Minister of Justice, wrote in a Facebook post.
Commenting on the expected decision of the European Parliament, Prime Minister Gergely GulyĂ¡s said that there is a draft decision before the European Parliament, but they do not have the power to make such an action.
Protecting children from mutilation is not homophobic, it is logical. The country is also not kleptocratic, no one steels people’s wealth. Hungary has the right not to support a country that oppresses ethnic Hungarian minority. Ukraine is not a democracy, but a dictatorship manipulated by the Biden Administration. The naive EU citizens fell for the rhetoric while Ukraine is destroyed for the sake of Ukraine’s joining NATO. Furthermore, if things were so bad in Hungary, what are all those “dutch” and “german” tourists doing in Hungary year after year? These unfriendly citizens want to buy homes and spend their time in Hungary. These people feel safe in Hungary, they do not feel safe in their own country. So, politicians from anti Hungarian countries, should shut up and ensure the safety of their citizens. Anti Hungarian politicians are afraid that their population will demand a populous government, a government that looks after the interest of their citizens, instead of being puppets of globalists.
Re comment above: Ukraine is being destroyed because Russia invaded it and has imperialist ambitions. There is simply no excuse for it and Russia bears full responsibility. Europe will be at risk for a long time to come from Russia which will go back through centuries of glorified history to justify occupation of another country. The only thing to stop Russian imperialism is strong deterrence. Observe Poland closely. Poland will have the strongest conventional military force in NATO within a few short years. It is gearing up to spend 4% of its’ GDP on defence because it knows all too well the threat of Russia. Finland which only has 5 million people has had the biggest artillery force in Europe for years for the same reason as it defended itself until now on its’ own. Make no mistake. Russia is a massive threat.
Maria, we really do not care about what people like you, who do not live here, think, and about the complete lies you are trying to spread. Take your medication, step away from your computer, live your life and leave Hungary to those that actually live here.
mariavontheresa – what a lost individual – and SOUL you continue to exhibit your-self as being.
Concur – what you write – “No room in Victors closet for Crazy people” & Larry.
Your commentaries – REPEDATIVE – are DANGEROUS to the future of 21st century on-going human life, especially in Europe, in country’s that are GOVERNED under DEMOCRACY, a word you DISPISE.
North America – the place of your residency, leaving or abandoning the country of your birth – Hungary, and you write, looking from the outside in, as though you have the ROOTNESS and FEEL, of day to day – on-going experience – the FACTUAL destruction being bought on Hungary, through the “vileness” and “wrongfulness” of the “warped” Political Ideas and Philosophy of Victor Orban and his Government.
NEVER forget that Victor Orban advocated in August of 1989 taking to the podium – the microphone in Hero’s Square – to all present in there thousands in Hero’s Square that day, over the radio’s and television to Hungary and Europe, the Global World – that Communism by rule in Hungary 1945-1989 – was a thing of the past, that DEMOCRACY was our FUTURE – liberty, freedom – the “fruits” to all of DEMOCRACY.
History Never Lies.
U-tube it – listen to Orban “mothing off” that moving on – he has all but destroyed DEMOCRACY in practice in Hungary – returning us into a regime that is DICTATORIAL, thus in his cataclysmic destructive creeds & dogma – all but DESTROYED our membership as a member of the European Union.
Orban destroyed Hungary’s “friendships, with the EU, NATO, Great Britain & Ireland, the United States of America and country’s throughout the Global World, that are Governed under Democracy.
Orban – in his destruction of Hungary’s – at our expense, continues to build on and on – closer relationships with Russia and China – both of which are ruled under COMMUNISM.
Orban continues to “sell off” great chunks of Hungarian infrastructure industry/business to Russia and China – knowing these (2) two COMMUNIST country’s are Bankers of Finance – Lenders of Money – to Orban & his Government.
Orban – 14 years, his “second” coming as Prime Minister of Hungary – his dismal appalling which should by Hungarians be viewed as UN-acceptable – has NOT grown CAPITAL into the Hungarian Economy.
Orban – his “warped” failed ability of Economic and Financial Management of the FUTURE of Hungary, in FACT, has SHUNK – the Capital of Hungary in its “bottom line” category under Capital.
Governments with NO Capital – can’t INVEST – in there FUTURE and that is the FACT of Hungary, the Orban Government, who have pillaged/robbed – our Economy, that see’s us, that it could be argued, in or nearing a position that we are INSOLVENT.
Orban – his LEGACY to Hungary – will be WORSE than a Shakespeare TRAGEDY, the turmoil, destruction, pain and anguish – he leaves in his time as Prime Minister of Hungary.
History will not and NEVER Lies.
Hungary – from line of Shakespeare – Julius Caesar – spoken by Mark Anthony;
“The evil that Men do – lives after them”
Good job Maria you are very right ! Dont pay atenciĂ³n to worthless people like those , keep your head up Glory to Hungary and Russia salute to Orban !
Yes! Good job Maria! How is it that the Daily News is able to exist publishing such drivel if Orban is a dictator? The very existence of the article printed in a Hungarian rag proves that freedom of speech exists in Hungary, whereas captured mainstream media in the West shows us where the real dictators are.
Dear Commentators, living outside Hungary and extensive travel all over the world is reflected in my political philosophy. There are a number of absolutes that I believe in. The most important is that every country has the right and must maintain its sovereignty. A national government’s main and only function is to look after the best interest of its population. The children are the future, and the children must be protected, well cared for, well educated in order that they may become productive and happy citizens. Patriotism is a requirement of all citizens.
Citizens of every country have the right to choose their own government. Elected governments deserve the support of the whole population. If the elected government fails to carry out its mandate, new representation should be elected.
Why are people so hung up on Hungary being allied with the EU? What has the EU given to Hungary’s citizens. I posed this question often, yet no one came up with an answer. Should Hungary ally itself with Russia and China? History has demonstrated that when there never was an ally of the country that benefitted Hungary. In the past, Hungary’s geographical position makes it difficult to stay out of melees. Hungary fought Mongols, Turks, Hapsburgs, Russians, etc.. The result of the Austro-Hungarian empire was the loss of 2/3ds of its territories. During WWII, I do not believe that there were many countries that did not bomb Hungary. Hungary should achieve neutrality, not allied with either side. All decisions made by a Hungarian government should be pro Hungarian. While Hungary is a member of EU, it should never support any resolution contrary to the interest of the Hungarian people.
Having enjoyed reading your comments, I wonder, have you made your comments with a patriot bent or EU bent? Based upon history, Hungary cannot depend on any foreign entity. If the country is to survive, it must depend solely on itself and its citizens.
Maria you said it like it is, good job! Victor Orban is right on with his conservative views, just like Donald Trump. Victor Orban delivered
a perfect speech in Dallas Texas for a gathering of Conservative Republicans, that hit the nail on the head. The more modern and
sophisticated weapons sent by the West to Ukraine, the longer the war will prolong along with more suffering and destruction.
Good way of marketing goods and profit.
Should the Hungarians take back all the Hungarian towns taken by Ukraine?
mariavontheresa – reply to “Dear Commentators” – having followed the writings / commentaries of this individual for a long period in time, this COMMENTARY, is not composed nor written by the “regular” mariavontheresa. Hungary, the Future of Hungary, the destructive path that Orban leads us down – continues to be openly exhibited to Hungarians, Europe and the Global World, principally to country’s that are GOVERNED under DEMOCRACY.
Social Inequality in Hungary – go back to the years 1945-1989 – did not peasantry EXPLODE in Hungary in those DARK years of our History ?
Orban x2 times as Prime Minister of Hungary, has he been effective to drastically reduce Social Inequality in Hungary?
Hungary – besides Orban’s “change of plans” for the future of Hungary, under DEMOCRACY – his speech to Hungary – Hero’s Square in August 1989 – “mouthed” out to ALL of Hungary, Europe and the Global World, that DEMOCRACY was our FUTURE, that see’s the Hypocrisy in the “core” of the individual” – charging us back – reverting us backas a country, into AGAIN – a communistic dictatorship Governed country.
Financially & Economically – the position is all but IMPOSSIBLE for Hungary to Stand alone.
Throwing back as this “other” marievontheresa – writes, that our SURVIVAL rests “on it-self and citizens” – this is and would be a cataclysmic DISASTER – that would be PERILOUS for Hungary.
Declining population – ageing population is this not FACT?
The Orban Government that has “Ravaged” the Capital holdings of Hungary – that we as a country find our-selves in possible being INSOLVENT, an Economic & Financial position that see’s us DESTROYED to Invest through the application of Capital – into MAJOR projects over-due in there NEEDS for civilian life in Hungary.
Education, Hospitals just (2) two examples of NEEDS to civilians – investment needed of billions of forints, we do NOT have FUNDS available to bring these (2) two Vital Needs of the 21st century up to standards, that are to 21st century standards, rather than operating functioning as they are at present, likened to being back in the 19th century.
Orban Government – entire Political agenda, his “lost” Economic & Financially Plan for Hungary, never focused on building CAPITAL in Hungary.
Governments that have No Capital – can’t and DON”T Invest – improving internally the standards, across all componentry civilian, industry and PUBLIC Service needs, Education, Hospitals, Health Services – the list is LONG, but Orban has no Capital to INVEST back into Hungary.
Foreign Investment into Hungary “other” that Orbans friends China and Russia – has NO interest Globally especially country’s Governed under DEMOCRACY.
Hungary – are we a Stable country ?
Hungary – can we sustain come to a place of STABILITY ?
Answer to both these questions – NO.
This wrongful belief, that we – without European Union, NATO memberships – “friendships with ALL country’s that are Governed under DEMOCRACY, that we Hungary – “on it-self and citizens” can SURVIVE – Absurd.
Regarding the headline: All true, can’t deny it.
I could add a couple of more “titles” that our Govenment well-deserves, but that won’t change anything (for the better).
Delusional, you do not give any credit to the people of Hungary. Neither you nor anyone has answered what is Hungary’s advantage of being in the EU?
First, Gyurcsany (2004-2009) sold all viable industries to globalists, the globalists closed down the industries. Gyurcsany and his friends greatly benefitted financially. Unemployment was rampant. That was Hungary’s introduction to the EU. When socialist Gyurcsany was finally defeated, the country was broke. That allowed the IMF to move into the country in the hope of total control. I know everyone has a short memory and did not appreciate the country’s dire circumstances. Mr. Oban’s economic policies saved the country.
In 2015 Hungary was under attack by herds of illegal migrants. The illegals just marched in, ignored borders. The people of Hungary expected to support these people. A. Merkle saved Hungary by accepting all illegals. Hungary erected a border to keep illegal migrants out of the country and the EU. What was the EU’s response, they condemned the country and the people.
Germany and Sweden located their factories in Hungary because of quaified work force. That brings me back to my previous statement of protecting children, caring for them and providing them with a good education. The declining population is a worry, that is universal in most EU countries. However, robotics is being introduced all over the world. Investing in modern machinery and robotics will solve some of the problems. Yes, there are financial inequalities, all countries have inequalities. The difference is that hardworking, clever people are succeeding on the basis of merit. I celebrate the fact that Hungary has talented people that became multi-millionaires, e.g., Erno Rubik.
Hungary is probably the safest country in the EU. This is a great benefit for women. Rape is rampant in such countries as Germany, France and Sweden. Hungary has no such places as a “no go zones”.
The Russia/Ukraine war broke out. The EU and US mandated sanctions, one was oil and gas. Thank God, Hungary was friendly with Russia, people were warm, could drive and cook their dinner because of Russian oil/gas. More seniors died in Germany last winter than under COVID restriction. This was the result of lack of heat. Thermostats had to be kept at 15 Celsius.
Russia allowed chemically treated grain to leave Ukraine to save starving Africans. This grain was dumped in Central European Nations none in Western Europe.
A lot of people do not appreciate the progress that was made. Most people do not profit by history. There is no nation nor was there a nation that Hungary could rely on in dire circumstances. The money that was dangled in front of Hungary by the EU was withheld and now spent on weapons for Ukraine. Neutrality is the best choice for the survival of Hungary.
PS. All comments made under MariaVonTheresa were made by your truly.