The real winter cold will arrive in January – Weather forecast
We can enjoy a mild winter until the end of this year, but by the second week of January, the winter shows its real face bringing extreme minuses for the first month of 2021.
The mild temperatures of December can be experienced in the upcoming week as well. Besides minor rains and showers, the temperature may rise above 10°C; minuses can only be expected at dawn.
The first month of the year, January – which has the coldest days statistically – starts as if we were entering the fifth month of autumn – said László Molnár, meteorologist to the Hungarian news portal
All this is caused by a Mediterranean cyclone swirling over South-Western Europe, of which Hungary has been located in the southern heat-transporting part for days. But why has it become much warmer now, and how does a cold front cause warming? The answer is: inversion – a phenomenon when the near-surface air temperature is higher than that of the air layers above it.
On 31st December, another weak cold front arrives that does not result in significant cooling, but it can cause temporary snowfall in the mountains, in the northeastern landscapes and plains.
According to the longer-term forecast of Agronaptár, a significant change is expected at the end of next week, around 8th January. The already mentioned Mediterranean cyclone will then reposition itself in the Balkan region, and Hungary will move to the cold side. The winter cold will last for 7-10 days in the Carpathian Basin.
The meteorologist expects sub-average temperatures with minima below -10°C, with daily mean temperatures of -5 and -6 degrees.
In the second half of January, further change can be expected; the flow will turn to the northwest, temperatures are forecasted to be around average.
Read alsoThe future of Hungarian weather: cold blasts and disappearing lakes
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1 Comment
None of the more reliable websites – such as idokep – is forecasting anything below -5 for January.