The Treaty of Trianon through – VIDEOS

The Treaty of Trianon that formally ended the First World War was signed 99 years ago, on 4 June 1920. The effects of this treaty were the harshest on Hungary, with most of its territories getting annexed to other nations. From the videos below, you can learn more about the consequences.

The Treaty of Trianon is easily one of the most divisive issues in European history, and one of the most tragic events in Hungarian history, right beside the 1526 Battle of Mohács. On the 4th of June 1920, Hungary lost 60% of its population and 67% of its territory, along with many of its rights considering military structure.

A general overview

This video by The Great War presents the events that led up to the signing of the Treaty of Trianon right from the moment the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy was established in 1867. It also helps to get a clear view of what Hungary’s role was in WWI.

The Treaty of Trianon and its political and social aftermath are discussed from 8:20.

Learning language and history at the same time

Hungarian Pod 101 has put together another useful video where you can learn more about Hungarian history while picking up on language items related to this particular event. 

This video discusses briefly the beginning of WWI, the social, political and economic consequences and the attitudes towards the Treaty of Trianon in the 21st century.

A brief, to-the-point history lesson

History Pod quickly recaps the events leading up to the First World War, and the most grievious social, economic and political consequences: for example over 3 million Hungarians ‘found themselves living in a different country’, and Hungary’s military force was restricted to 35 thousand soldiers.

featured image: the Versailles Palace (Pixabay), and the map of Hungary’s dismemberment by the Treaty of Trianon (Wiki Commons by HunTomy~huwiki)

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