There is a map that shows you where you can get the best Hungarian wines!

You never know where and what kind of wine to buy? Worry no more when in Hungary. A map is available that shows you where you can purchase the best Hungarian wines, and you can see which ones are available closest to your precise location.

Winelovers magazine published its list of the 100 best Hungarian wines you can get. Now, you can see all the places on Google Maps where you can get one of those wines, Borászportál reports. Your new favourite wine is only a click away.

You can search your current location and check all the blue pins nearby. If you click on one of the blue pins, you will immediately see what kind of store it is and its exact address.

The store’s type can be a grocery store like Tesco or a gas station like Shell.

Winelovers top 100

The magazine aims to name the 100 best Hungarian wines based on suggestions by experts and the wines’ accomplishments at national and international competitions. There are 11 categories altogether. The best 5 wines in each category constitute the top 100. The judges are international wine experts who give each wine that entered the competition a point, and, obviously, the ones with the higher scores get into the final list.

In order to see the exact list of the best 100 wines, you can purchase Winelovers 100 2018 here:

[button link=”” type=”big” color=”green” newwindow=”yes”] Hungarian Aszú on YouTube: learn about the most expensive wine of the 19th century – VIDEOS[/button]

Featured image: Google Maps


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