This is how former PM Gyurcsány wants to unite the opposition

Opposition parties need to show Hungarians that there is an alternative to the incumbent government and that it is possible to build a different state, the leader of the opposition Democratic Coalition (DK) told a rally on Friday.
DK has set its tasks driven by the realisation that the country needs a new government, fair politics, competent and trustworthy women and men, Ferenc Gyurcsány said. “We need to create a country that does not want to fight a war with ghosts and falsehoods, a country that wants to create peace in its own affairs, in human relationships, and in the world,” he said. He said they wanted a country that “sought friends, partners and others countries to cooperate with”.
He asked people “to take back their own state”. Gyurcsány, who was prime minister between 2004 and 2009, criticised incumbent Prime Minister Viktor Orbán as a leader under whose tenure the country’s economy had been shattered and the people had slipped into an existential crisis.
Concerning economic problems, Gyurcsány said that the purchasing value of the forint was deteriorating at a faster rate than that of any other national or the common currency in Europe and the average rate of inflation would be higher this year than in 2022.
Read also:
- Former PM Gyurcsány: Fight tyrants, not negotiate with them! – Read more HERE
- Gyurcsány’s DK party envisions millions of protesters on Hungary’s streets
Fidesz: Gyurcsány government harmed Hungarians
In reaction to the DK leader’s speech, the group-leader of ruling Fidesz said Hungary does not want the Gyurcsány era, saying that that government had stripped Hungarians of one month’s pension and wages. It also scrapped family allowances and pushed the country into near bankruptcy, Máté Kocsis said.
“That government was commanded from abroad, sold out the country’s national assets and obeyed the orders of the multinational companies,” Kocsis said on Facebook. Gyurcsány’s speech launched a campaign dictated by the international left “which wants a different Hungary”, one that is “obviously pro-migration and pro-war, and is swamped in a gender-madness”, one that “wants to be seen as an eminent country in the eyes of the liberals of Brussels and the United States“. “The bad news for them is this: We will not let that happen!” Kocsis said.
Gyurcsany, the previous prime minister, has already ruined the country once. It took FIDESZ years to correct all his mistakes and put the country on the road economic to recovery. This man is the biggest yes man to EU. He would happily cede sovereignty to avoid offending globalists.
Oh Maria, there you go again, spreading false information. I remember when the forint had value, and that the international world wanted to work with Hungary. That was before Victor. Now your dear Victor has two friends in the world, and can not rely on either of them. He has surrounded himself with yes men and surrendered to corruption. His “friends” are going to all go to jail at some point, including his hero Trump.
Under the previous government 1000 HUF = 3.90 euros. NOW, under Victor 1000 HUF = 250 euros. Numbers do not lie.
So, um, what IS his plan? I just hear empty platitudes. Hungary should look for “friends, partners and others countries to cooperate with” is just cheesy doublespeak for “Let the globalist-socialist cabal dictate our affairs on everything from allowing endless illegal immigration to throwing away our energy independence in favor of idiotic solar and wind garbage, to permitting schools to indoctrinate kids with anti-family and anti-Western propaganda, etc.” NO, THANK YOU!
Gyurcsany – for the GOOD of Hungary, the OPPOSITION of the Orban Governent, he NEEDS to be RETIRED.
There are SIMPLE to many OPPOSTION Party’s in Hungary.
By numbers, they CONTINUE to play POLITICS against each other, destroying any FACTUAL chance that they can OPPOSE the Orban Government.
There can NEVER be in Hungary, led by the former Prime Minister – Gyurcsany, remembering the HUMONGOUS weight of disapproval of his time in office, the cataclysmic MESS he left Hungary factually in, as a Prime Minister.
Gyurcsany – he can’t be the spokes person nor the LEADER of any movement – and its a VITAL immediate NEED, for the Future, the survival of Hungary, as the LEADER – of a SOLIDARITY group or movement – in the over numbered OPPOSITION Party’s in Hungary.
Gyurcsany – carries past HEAVY luggage which is not forgotten by present day Hungarians, in there millions.
The fragmentation separation of indifferences in Political ideology – this category alone – DOMINATES and OVERWHELMS the OPPOSTION “flooded numbers” of Party’s in Hungary, that CLEARLY displays the inability – impossibility that they find a COMMON Ground in there OPPOSTION to the incinerators of Hungary, the Orban Government – Never.
WHO is there amongst our “Rank & File” – who is there to CLEAN this MESS up of the non required ineffectual opposition party’s that in NUMBERS – are NEGATIVES to the FUTURE of Hungary ?
Orban may be loosing support numbers, but the OPPOSTION, the MESS they continue to be in, under the “mouth piece” of Gyurcsany – whilst they continue to be a RUBBLE, they in fact, are FEEDING the Orban Government.
Whatever the nadir, of all the MASS problems DESTRUCTIVE broadsheet – we know Hungary, we in our daily lives are living at this point in time and being HONEST with ourselves as a country, into the immediate FUTURE – possible long term future, the word OPPOSITION must be “streamlined” in number, and a spokesperson found, who will DELIVER – that SOLIDARITY gives us a chance & FUTURE.
Go now I say – NOW immediately to Gyurcsany.
You have been to long – your Legacy to Politics in Hungary, does not read – past opportunities afforded to you, in trust, by millions of Hungarians, that you are worthy to be the “resurrected” – born again – the FUTURE of Hungary.
Gyurcsany occupies a position, that he is a HINDEROUS, for what ever chance, we as a country have, not to see Hungary, descending into an OBVIATED place.
Factually, we sit in a WOBBLE position on the cliff edge, and Gyurcsany – he will not SAVE us.
The Hungarian economy under Gyurcsány in 2004-2009 was characterized by high public debt, large budget deficits, and low growth rates. According to Wikipedia1, Hungary’s public debt reached 65.7% of GDP in 2009, up from 59.1% in 2004. The budget deficit was 9.2% of GDP in 2006, the highest in the EU at the time. The growth rate of the economy slowed down from 4.6% in 2004 to 0.6% in 2009.
Mariavontheresa Rebuttal: the above information is from Wikipedia. Your opinion is askew. You are probably too young to remember or your support of the left makes you unable to see the truth.
EH, Maria dear, we are in a recession, with public debt at its highest in a decade, a decade under your friend Victor. The forint is at its worst exchange ever. You probably got out when the forint was super strong, if you ever actually lived here before the 1990s. Get your facts straight, or are you too old to get the facts and not be brainwashed by Fox news there in North America where you live?
mariavonteresa – get those Maple Leaf trees in the front of the property you reside in North America.
You can’t see nor relate to FACTS of Hungarian present day life, through the thickness the darkness of those overgrown Trees that resemble a Forest.
YOU are GREATLY out of touch, humiliating yourself, in your commentaries in this platform.
The foliage, from the trimming of those Maple Leaf trees, use that incinerator, in the lower back of your garden, to “rid” them.
The word incineration, that is what FACTUALLY has happened in Hungary, instrumented – designed and carried out – by your hero, the Political Party you pay membership into and un-equivocally SUPPORT – led by – its Leader, and present – Prime Minister of Hungary – Victor Orban.
The comments you are not acknowledging were comments on the history of the economy during the Gurcsany Administration. Deploable and mariavontheresa rebbutal, you cannot change history. We should analyze past conditions and ensure that the same mistakes are not repeated. Gyurcsany messed up the economy and the lives of the people, he should not get another opportunity repeat his action. Socialism or socialist governments are destructive. Name one socialist government that is successful.