Transparency International’s shocking finding about corruption in Hungary
According to the latest report of Transparency International, Hungary is the most corrupt country in the European Union consecutively for the second year.
Transparency International shares the corruption perceptions index each year. They published their Corruption Perception Index (CPI) yesterday. According to the paper, Hungary stands in the last position in the European Union, preceded by even Romania or Bulgaria.
Hungary’s score is 42: 100 signifies a “clean” government, while 0 a highly corrupt one. In the case of Denmark, topping the list, the score is 90. The 42 category includes China, Cuba, Moldova, North Macedonia, Trinidad and Tobago, and even Bahrain. Meanwhile, Timor-Leste, Senegal, Oman or Ghana precede Hungary.
Concerning the Central and Eastern European region, Romania’s score is 46, while Bulgaria stands at 45. What’s more, Sofia could advance on the list compared to last year. In the European Union, Denmark, Finland and Sweden top the list.
Read also:
- Corrupt anti-Hungarian mayor escapes to Hungary – Read more HERE
- One of the richest Hungarians gave a fortune to PM Orbán’s son-in-law
That means Hungary is the most corrupt country in the EU again. Furthermore, its score (42) did not change compared to 2022.
Hungary acquired its best position on the list in 2007, but there has been a downfall ever since. In 2012, Hungary was the EU’s 9th most corrupt country. In 2020, Hungary was the most corrupt country in the EU with Romania and Bulgaria, wrote. In 2022, Hungary “overtook” every EU member country, and the situation did not change in 2023.
You may check out the TI 2023 CPI HERE.
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I live here and have never encountered any issue with corruption. There are absolutely cases of corporate monopolies in government contracts, but that capture is common also where I am from in Australia.
On the other hand, in both Italy and Croatia, I have had public officials attempt to solicit bribes. Germany doesn’t have a transparent investigstion into who blew up its $10b(!) pipeline and France seems to be in constant revolt, such is the level of satisfaction that citizens have with their government.
I suspect that these rankings are based on some limited news scrolling of some overworked fresh-out-of-universify staff and aren’t worth the paper that they’re printed on.
@chris – happy to read, assume you do not speak Hungarian and regularly deal with government or municipal agencies, medical institutions and the like… Your experience could then potentially have been quite different.
Reading material from a reputable source, and explanation why it matters:
@Chris, that doesn’t equate with my experience. I speak Hungarian and I’ve openly had bribes solicited from me, in my experience the situation in general has become worse in the last 10 years. Perhaps, being a non-Hungarian speaking foreigner you’re insulated from some (or all) of the corruption experienced by others.
Absolutely agree with Chris. It is obviously a politically motivated finding by this shadowy group “Transparency International” (pun intended), considering that Hungary is the sole supporter of Russia and of peace between Russia and the Ukraine, in the EU!
This is the latest BS attempt to discredit Orbán’s government. Most corrupt indeed. Let’s disregard the recent corruption of the EU bureaucrats still occupying their positions, or Luxemburg’s tax haven scandal. Give me a break!
@Chris – I just wanted to comment to support you and make sure not only negative libtard and europhile comments show up. This was a Corruption PERCEPTION Index. Perception BY WHOM? How many people? How was the survey conducted? Where are the objectively measurable criteria? People’s perceptions are full of biases based on their own limited personal experiences and emotional state.
As Chris said there’s definitely corruption at the higher levels in Hungary where a lot of money/power is at stake, but where isn’t? If you are a regular guy then most likely you won’t meet much or any corruption, you are left alone. Try to bribe a cop, govt administrator or a doctor – then compare that to 2007 when Hungary supposedly had the “best position”. The things that regular people encounter in their daily lives have been getting cleaned up over the years. Even the libtard European Commission report posted by europhile “Norbert” acknowledges that Hungary made a lot of progress but just “not enough” – well, you can never satisfy the libtards until they totally ruin your country with their progressive policies.
These “indices” are a total joke. A law unto themselves. A bit like credit ratings. I’m sure that if Hungary had a cookie-cutter globalist-socialist government doing the bidding of Uncle George and Mr. Klaus, I’m sure “Transparency International” would’ve given Hungary a much better score. Incidentally, regarding the earlier comments: My wife is Hungarian and a fluent speaker; she never experienced any corruption. Inefficiency and astoundingly poor levels of customer service by public officials, yes, but corruption no. I also lived in Bahrain, for two solid years, and I never experienced corruption there. This is all anecdotal, sure, but it pays to be skeptical of this kind of lists and “research.”
And yet the government line is that that EU is blackmailing Hungary because it is demanding to know where its money is going, and yes it is the EU money because Hungary is not a net contributor.
Chris – you and I born in a country Australia that is a DEMOCRACY.
I have lived in Budapest, Hungary, a career in Law, that has “availed” me access to environments of Government and “other” that in Hungary, there lacks just not integrity, honesty but best termed Candour.
“The real “embedded” problem in Hungary, is the “ripping off” by employers to employee’s and vice versa – which appears a broadsheet norm of there behaviour.”
This opinion was said to me in recent months not by a Hungarian but by a gentlemen, profession was in Information Technology, a White South African who had lived in Budapest, Hungary for time – 9 plus years, and spoke Hungarian.
The on-going eradication of Democracy in Hungary, the country, through the “image” being throughout Europe & Globally created by there current Prime Minister – Victor Orban, the strongest examples I can give, of the LACK of HONESTY – truth & fact which of course includes transparency, is the SHAMBLES of Hungary’s “doomed” membership place in the European Union.
Hungary’s Government – ruled & judged by the European Union Court of Justice, through BASICALLY there non practice of Truth in there submission for Funding, inclusive of when Funding was received – the “reversal” or for “other” reasons other than what had been submitted, that factually did occur and “Judged” – that Hungary had LIED.
When a Government is PROVEN guilty in its representation of its people, the population of a country, as the present Government of Hungary under it’s present ” Humiliated” leader – Prime Minister – Victor Orban, what an “image” Orban has effected on the “brand” name of Hungary.
Post 1989, the “Fall of the Wall” – that saw Hungary after, near on 44 years Governed under Communism, then post 1989 becoming “Supposed” a Democracy, it has been a “Rocky Road.”
“The problem with Hungary, is that post 1989, under Democracy, they have found it to difficult to comprehend and live with, build on, that see’s them still mindfully entrenched in Political Ideas & Philosophy – Ideology, that a “geared” to being under Communistic Rule.”
President – William Clinton, former President of the United States of America opinion, that HAS humongous credit merit of Fact attached to it.
HONESTY – this I see is the gargantuan growing CHALLENGE that presents it-self to the Hungarian population.
Hungary to-day continues in a “Recessional” trend in its Economy.
The major areas in the componentry composition of its ” Core” Economic & Financial functionality, all are in a “pressurized” position, that indicates the Nadir, of there bottom, remains an un-known.
This is inclusive of the Forint, which will de-value.
Honesty – taking time Hungarians from “all” generations to THINK – there future, there families future, the future especially of the “little ones” what FUTURE under what form of Government do they see there FUTURE.
Hungary – 15 years plus, an “ageing” society, that has yearly returned over 15 plus years, that there are more deaths of Hungarians than Babies being born, which, ramifications from this will continue to “pressurize” the future of Hungary.
A life spent as a prosecutor, over decades times in conference with individual who I was engaged as there Council, the hundreds of time, I have had to say – STOP, please remember in my representation of you, in my seeking an outcome of “Right by Law” – to obtain this – that TRUTH not just to me nor to the Court but in your LIFE, is your STRONGEST form of Defence.”
I have no voting rights in Hungary, and as been my life, no attachment “marriage” to a Political Party.
A “swinging” Voter would be the best example of me.
I talk, write and commentate by my “rooted” values, seeking wanting, in the case of Hungary outcomes, that serves achieves the BEST for “all” Hungarians, from whatever “station in life” they come live and secondly what’s BEST for Hungary.
Sir Winston. Spencer. Churchill commenting on Democracy said ;
” Democracy is the worse form of Government, except, for ALL other form.”
Candour – Truth & Honesty, remembering we ALL lie, non of us are near perfect, but St. Augustine, being a “Francized” Catholic as I am, not ALWAYS agreeing with The Pope, not consistently going to Church, but St. Augustine, words of WISDOM he “gifted” us :
” The Truth is like a Lion; you don’t have to Defend it.
Let it LOOSE; it will Defend itself.”
Be pleasant to meet “other” Australians who have had living in Budapest, Hungary entered on there CV’S for number in years.
Does it Happen ?
Whats App me, if like to “chat” on – +36 30 728 7301.
The name transparency international says it all- you only need to look where a so called world wide organization funding is coming from.
Absolute bull,promoted by this leftist site, Try doing honest work in Greece,Bulgaria etc.. let alone everybodys favourite EU candidates, elenskis Ukraine and next Albania. EU run by anti European traitors.
As long as our Politicians can demonstrably hop onto someone’s private jet to go to a football game, spend quality time on a super yacht somewhere in the Adriatic – all is good in the world. Or a gas fitter becoming Hungary’s wealthiest person. Or friends and toadies being able to buy out foreign companies at an appropriate discount. Or … Do I need to go on? #showyourappreciation
Or is this caused by Soros, the Liberal Elites and Brussels Bureaucrats? Curious!
I know someone inside one of Meszaros’ companies. People are on the payroll but no work is done. Either Meszaros is someone who likes to waste millions of forints a month or it’s a money laundering scheme for Fidesz pockets.