Unknown Fish Species Found In The Lake Balaton

According to the information provided by Index.hu and Sonline.hu, aquatic ecosystem and the quality of freshwater in the lake Balaton have significantly improved. Last time it was in the 1960’s that the water in Balaton was so noticeably clear. The Balaton Limnological Research Institute and the University of Kaposvár have joined forces in order to conduct scientific research and explore current condition of the water in Balaton. 

Lake Balaton water level has increased greatly in recent years. There is a visible effect on the shoreline and watershed; therefore, government and local administration are carefully monitoring this process. High water level, mild temperature and improving ecosystem are very beneficial for the fish species in Balaton.

Interesting phenomenon was found in the Southern basin of Balaton – unknown predator, which most likely belongs to the Invasive fish category. Scientists believe that it belongs to the Chinese sleeper type (amurgéb, Amur sleeper). Even though right now there are not too many new inhabitants in the streams of Balaton, analysts expect Amur sleepers to be widely present in the deep waters of the lake. Greater spread of this invasive predator will definitely affect the population of some native fish species.

based on article of index.hu
translated by Ekaterina Egorova

Photo: www.krudy-siofok.sulinet.hu


Source: http://index.hu/

One comment

  1. The Balaton lake is infested and people die of cancer. That was a warning by our government but nowadays nobody says a thing, while dead fish keep showing up every day washed on the shores. Take good care especially if you have small children. Water pollution and lethal chemicals thrown in the water by nearby inhabitants are the main cause of people getting skin diseases every year.

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