Zelensky’s adviser: after Moscow’s defeat, Hungary will pledge allegiance to Ukraine

Dóra Dúró, Vice President of the radical opposition party Our Homeland/Mi Hazánk, said that “Ukraine’s accession to NATO without the risk of a full-scale conflict can only be possible if Russia approves this step”. These words have caused a huge outcry in Ukraine. However, according to Mikhail Podolyak, adviser to Volodymyr Zelensky, everything will change after Russia’s defeat. He believes that countries such as Hungary will show absolute loyalty to Kyiv.
Dóra Dúró’s controversial statements on Ukraine
In an interview with the Russian newspaper Izvestia, Dóra Dúró, Vice President of the Mi Hazánk Mozgalom (Our Homeland Movement), said that “Ukraine’s accession to NATO without the risk of a full-scale conflict can only be possible if Russia approves this step”.
Dóra Dúró also said in the interview that Hungary is not enthusiastic about seeing Ukraine as a member of the NATO. She said the main reason is the situation of Hungarians living in Transcarpathia. She added that Russia has previously indicated that one of the aims of the “special operation” was precisely to prevent Ukraine’s integration into NATO.
Deputy speaker of the Hungarian Parliament Dóra Dúró in her interview with the Russian newspaper Izvestiya said that Ukraine’s peaceful joining NATO can happen only with Russia’s approval.
Source: European Pravda— UkraineWorld (@ukraine_world) April 24, 2023
Nikolenko’s reaction
Oleg Nikolenko, spokesperson of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, reacted to Dóra Dúró’s statements on Monday afternoon, Index reports. He wrote on social media that Ukraine has the sovereign right to freely choose its security options.
In his post, he explains that they “do not need Russia’s permission to be part of the alliance”. However, it is dangerous when Hungarian politicians try to make the security of the Euro-Atlantic area dependent on Moscow’s whims. “There is no objective reason to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO. Ukraine’s membership will only strengthen the alliance and make it impossible for Russia to repeat its aggression in Europe in the future,” the spokesperson wrote.
There is no legal, political or moral reason why Ukraine should give up even a centimeter of its land. Any mediation efforts to restore peace must be based on respect for the sovereignty and full restoration of Ukraine’s territorial integrity in accordance with the UN Charter.
— Oleg Nikolenko (@OlegNikolenko_) April 7, 2023
Podolyak’s reaction
Mykhailo Podolyak, an adviser to Volodymyr Zelensky, could not let Dúró’s statements slide either.
“Why is Hungary commenting on the sovereignty of our country or our choice? What permission should we get from Russia? The only permission we should get from them is the dissolution of Russia,” Mr Podolyak said.
He also noted that Hungary can make any statement because after Russia loses the war, countries like Hungary will show absolute loyalty to Kyiv, Unian writes.
The only permission that a country needs to join NATO is the permission of NATO. Stupid statements like “Ukraine needs Russia’s permission to join NATO” are unhelpful. Did Hungary need Russia’s permission to join NATO???
Dat Oekraïne er eerst voor zorgt dat er democratie is in eigen land! Is dit niet de grootste voorwaarde om lid te worden van de NAVO??!!Trouwens Jens Stoltenberg en zijn Amerikaanse vrienden zouden sultan Erdogan ook beter eens op zijn ondemocratische vingers tikken? Dit durven ze niet omdat de Turken een groot leger hebben en strategisch gelegen zijn! Ook liggen er Amerikaanse kernwapens opgeslagen op de luchtmacht basis van Incirlik! Daarom mogen ze de Grieken ook op stang jagen en blijven provoceren! De EU kijkt dit ook door de vingers omdat de megalomane Turkse leider in ruil voor miljarden € vluchtelingen tegenhoudt!! Hij heeft er reeds ettelijke malen mee gedreigd deze deal op te blazen als Brussel hem stokken in de wielen steekt! Dan horen we Ursula en co niet piepen maar tegen Hongarije hebben ze een grote mond!!
Moscow will never be defeated, and presently Ukraine is not winning. Hungary will never side with Ukraine while the Ukrainian government oppresses ethnic Hungarians.