6+1 reasons to discover Hungarian wine – Wine Map
In Hungary, you can find intimate family cellars, impressive wineries, breath-taking wine terraces in the middle of the vineyards and cosy estates built of natural stone. It is no doubt that wine is an essential part of Hungarian culture. With an excellent taste, quality and history it is worth trying out if you spend your time in the country. Here are six reasons to discover Hungarian wine.
Diverse landscapes waiting to be discovered
The Upper Pannonia wine region, comprising five small wine districts, is located in extremely diverse landscapes, where the mountain ranges and hills embodying the diverse terroirs are home to different styles and varieties just waiting to be discovered.

Legends past and present
The Upper Hungary wine region is not only home to ancient legends, such as that of Egri Bikavér, but also many gripping modern tales. The region also boasts the highest vineyard area in Hungary.

Volcanic wines
The country’s best-known volcanic wine region is Tokaj, the source of volcanic wines representing a distinct style. Tokaj was the first demarcated wine region in the world. Its typical varieties are Furmint, Hárslevelű and Sárgamuskotály.

Wealth of styles
The Duna wine region is characterised by diversity and variety in terms of both grape varieties and wine styles. The Great Plain is an excellent production area for numerous characteristic varieties, such as Irsai Olivér, Cserszegi Fűszeres and Kadarka.

Festivals and holidays
The Pannon wine region is home to many unforgettable wine festivals connected to vines and wines. There are plenty of activities and sights here both during the festival season and at other times too.

Intriguing indigenous grape varieties
There are numerous indigenous varieties, both well-known and waiting to be discovered, in the six wine districts surrounding Lake Balaton. These include Furmint, Kéknyelű and Juhfark, which offer enticing diversity along with traditional varieties such as Olaszrizling and Kékfrankos.

+Tokaji aszú
One of Hungary’s most unique wines, the Tokaji Aszú, ranks among the world’s most renowned naturally sweet wines. Tokaji Aszú offers the perfect balance between sugar, acidity and minerality, while its complexity of flavour always ensures there is something to discover.

Discover Hungary’s most famous wine regions

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