Thousands of healthcare workers plan to resign in Hungary – Fresh survey results
According to a recent survey carried out among Hungarian health care workers, more than 50% plan to leave the Hungarian health care system as soon as possible.
Since November 2020, the law prohibited the dismissal of doctors at the time of the emergency, which restriction was lifted from June 15th. Within the last eight months, they had the opportunity to resign only once when the health service legal relationship was introduced in March. At that time, dozens of health care workers left Hungarian hospitals. Numerically, about 5,000 health workers took advantage of the opportunity. At the same time, many decided to stay due to respect and responsibility for their patients and colleagues during the third wave of the pandemic.
Based on the results carried out by the Independent Health Trade Union (FESZ),
48% of about 1,200 respondents plan to resign as soon as the ban on the dismissal is lifted, while 8% plan to retire.
As the Hungarian news portal Népszava reports, the current survey also shows that less than half of those planning to leave would remain in health care. They would either take a job in another Hungarian public or private institution or would go abroad. All the rest of the respondents would leave their original profession. One-third of the respondents indicated that they were still unsure about staying, while only one-sixth of them would insist on their current jobs.
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Based on the answers of health care workers who plan to resign or leave the sector as soon as possible, the main reason behind is the low salary.
This has been confirmed by Adrianna Soós, president of FESZ, according to whom, among the reasons, low wages were most often mentioned. In addition, the introduction of a new employment relationship is also listed. The disadvantages of this legislation affect health care workers negatively, while only doctors have benefited from the significant wage increase. As a comparison,
the majority of health care workers did not have any change in their earnings, while the salaries of doctors increased by 80-120%. Most of the respondents consider this wage gap unbearable.
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Surprisingly, only 5% mentioned exhaustion from the Covid epidemic as the reason for leaving the sector. An additional possible reason is the low security of employment. As a result of the new health service status, it is much easier for employers to dismiss a healthcare worker than before. Because of the change in terms of service, many do not receive the jubilee reward, for example, which causes quite a bit of dissatisfaction.
There are also those whose income has decreased due to the change in legal relationship, despite this being prohibited by law. Of course, some health care workers could take advantage because the employer set higher allowances than before; however, the latter was only experienced by a negligible minority.
Moreover, as a result of the Personal Registration Act introduced a few weeks ago, in case of taking a second job, employees need to reveal data about their relatives, which for many goes beyond the private sphere, causing bad feelings in them. According to Adrianna Soós, even though they had similar surveys before, none of them had such a solid intention to leave their sector as in the case of health care workers.
Interesting photograph to introduce this article.
Very noticeable (3) in the photograph are all Asian.
This problem has existed for greater part of past (5) five years plus in Hungary.
The medical profession Surgeons, Doctors, Dentists, Nurses and other Medical s
Specialists – Health Care Workers – Carers in aged care and disability environments – the broadness of areas in our Health system that these professions spread is Humongous – in the thousands.
Problem known in Hungary – nothing new, been spread throughout the media for all citizens of Hungary to digest – get our heads around and think about, why all these professions yearly see great numbers of staff turn over, which inevitable – comes back to annual remuneration/income and opportunities of career advancement.
Is it likened to a conveyor belt type system ?
This “brain drain” – policies of the present Government have failed considerable in the retainment of graduates from once qualified, moving to other country’s – that they believe offers them greater hope – building and establishing their careers and Financial security, through higher levels of wage/income.
The “bells” have been resonating getting louder in Hungary singling the exploding problem we are faced with.
Government simple has to do more and STOP this “conveyor” like process of spending on student education that returns a Degree paper or other, then after completion or obtainment of a Degree – good-bye Hungary – to “pastures” they see greener than of those of the country of their birth – who have spent money on them throughout their educational years – the Government of Hungary.
“Ask not what your country can do for You, ask what can you do for your country” – J F. Kennedy.
If the Dr and nurse in my village were to resign I would be very happy. They are very unprofessional, uncaring and frankly The Dr’s knowledge is at best at the level of a Registered Nurse and the nurse wouldn’t even be a good bed pan operator in the UK. I have never in my 60 years been to a worse clinic than the one She runs. Good riddance if the rest are as bad as she is. I would rather do without than ever experience another Dr like that woman. Even many Hungarians in my village cannot stand the pair in our local clinic. Many go elsewhere for treatment.
I must admit that some doctors’ attitudes towards their patients are definitely unfriendly at best.
Whilst there are some good professionals in Budapest, they suffer from the the same “attitude” problems :
– they don’t talk to you, they talk at you.
– they are not interested in listening to you or asking how you feel.
I was referred to a cardiologist by my local doctor as I have developed high blood-pressure.
The specialist was lecturing me for not bringing all my health reports – totally unrelated to my condition.
After listening to her for 10 minutes (in the meantime my blood pressure was probably climbing up to
the point when I could have had a stroke) – well, it seemed like 10 minutes – I ‘lost it’, raised my voice and told her that this was totally unacceptable and unfair as I haven’t been told what to bring for the appointment.
By the way, all my records were ‘at her fingertips’ via a computer.
Sadly, this is type of conduct is endemic – THE REMNANTS OF THE COMMUNIST / SOCIALIST REGIMES.
I am always polite to everyone and try my best to cooperate.
I always show respect and I expect the same in return.
Most of these medical people have attitudes which are almost hostile.
I have very serious doubts these ” professionals” would be acceptable in any other country.
“Bed side Manners” – lack of – is a term often used when the subject of Doctors, at what ever level they are in there Field of Medicine.
There is this attitude with vast numbers in the Medical Profession who “heads in the clouds” – that have this self opiniated belief, of Arrogance – Rudeness -that the attitude they conduct with patients – is there God Given Right.
It could be said of same from my Profession in Law, this aloofness or separation at times distancing oneself from your clients or in the case of the medical profession there patients.
Academically – to be accepted into Medicine or Law – pass marks have to be in the highest of category.
The years of study before internship – junior Doctor or articles in Law, to finally receiving an income from your study years at University are considerable.
History – we known that the “pain” of years as Juniors – Medicine or Law – that it historically swings a full circle, and as years pass on by, the quality of life – income received the financial status for us – historically enables us – being Medicine or Law to live pleasant or gifted life-styles.
ROOMFORIMPROVEMENT – understand completely your comments and your retaining your composure and correction of the Doctors behavior to you.
I would have reacted – respectfully same – with a belief in my being – that said :
“Who in God’s name do you think you are to treat and speak in the attitude and style that you are addressing and responding to me ?
My late Father spent numbers of times in Hospital for surgical needs.
My late brother (5) five years older – did not enjoy hospital visitations.
Father was asked by a close friend of his in the presence of my brother and I this question ;
“What do the boys think and how do they handle the time you are in and out of Hospital”.
My Father replied – My eldest Son not comfortable visiting me in Hospital but my younger Son – (me) – has no problems because he is inquisitive and wants explanations and answers”.
Doctors/Surgeons – speak to me – not over my head nor in a dismissive arrogant attitude – speaking down at me – and I believe – as Humans – we have an absolute RIGHT – that they pay Respect and exhibit Empathy rather than this “head up in the clouds” through a title after there name of Doctor.
Fear – there attitude can and does conjure Fear in patients which could be seen as they having Control.
Mannerisms – Behavior the conduct of themselves – Doctors and Lawyers not instilled in University study years but when they come out and into the Real World.
If they do not have LEADERSHIP or examples they answer and report to in there early lives in the Real World – in all probability will develop into the historical images that society view as Doctors or Lawyers – there “bed side manners” or client contact and representation.
The “rebel” in me – that’s why I love the movie – Patch Adams.
The “rebel” the awakening of the old guard – that Doctor Adams “throws” into the Hospital – University environment setting of this film – Factual and NEEDED.
One of my favorite books made into a classic movie that centered on -FOCUSED – on a Lawyer – Harper Lees – “To Kill a Mockingbird”.
Atticus Finch – the Lawyer – saw that besides all the “twists and turns” of the court room proceedings – the final ruling – the message of the movie – was Tolerance and Compassion.
St. Luke – Patron Saint of Doctors.
St. Ivo of Kermartin – Patron Saint of Lawyers.
Bit of divine intervention – hopefully could make needed radical changes centered around Respect and Empathy – Tolerance and Compassion – in the Fields of Medicine and Law.