Among others, LMP co-leader and MP Péter Ungár, WhisperTon and Péter Árvai, founder of Hungary’s world-success Prezi, were among the invitees.
But, based on the photos, several leading politicians, influencers, and businessmen attended the dinner organised at the Embassy of the United States. For example, Richárd Barabás, the deputy mayor of Budapest’s 11th district, and Tibor Kocsis, a famous Hungarian singer, were also among the decision-makers invited. David Pressman wrote: “As we enter a season of celebration of the LGBT community, we recognise those working to advance the visibility, equality, and human rights of all Hungarians. Daniel and I enjoyed gathering a diverse group around our dinner table for an interesting and informative discussion.”
Here are some photos:
Government: Approval of migrant distribution plan ‘shows worst side of Brussels politics’
The adoption of a position on the distribution of migrants by European Union interior ministers has shown “the worst side of Brussels politics”, a cabinet parliamentary state secretary said on Friday. In contrast to the EU’s previous plan for migrant distribution quotas, the new version would require member states that refuse to accommodate migrants to pay an equivalent of HUF 8 million (EUR 22,000) per migrant, Csaba Dömötör said in a video posted on Facebook. “They call this a contribution, but it’s actually a multi-million fine,” he added.
The proposal would regulate the distribution of asylum procedure capacities, with Hungary being required to perform 28 percent of all border procedures, Dömötör said. “The majority of such procedures would not have to be performed by Greece or by Italy, but us,” he added. “This week’s development shows the worst side of Brussels politics, because they’re making decisions at the expense of our future over our heads, depriving us of the right to decide whom we want to live with,” the state secretary said, adding that the Hungarian government did not support this. “There will be more talks coming, and we’re ready for the debates,” Dömötör said. “We can’t let them force this plan on us.”
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Hungary really needs to expel the US ambassador Pressman and remind the US government that their opinions are not welcome in Hungary and for the US to fix its own problems at home. The US is a dying empire and the sooner it is gone the sooner the world will experience a global peace.
Didn’t something like that happen in the US of A? And so when Florida got it’s share, wasn’t their reply to immediately relocate them all to the uber wealthy enclave of Martha’s Vineyard to see how those with huge power thru wealth liked having unexpected strangers forced on them? They also decided NIMBY (not in my backyard)and the mostly men were dispersed in a different way. Fast. If I remember correctly, bribery was used.
I’d like to see him try this in an African or Near Eastern country, or even Turkey. He’d never dare… – because respecting cultures is very important, on the pain of even criminal prosecution. Except the traditional Western/Judeo-Christian values; they can be abused, mocked, and trampled on with total impunity. The effrontery of this guy is unbelievable. He comes to a sovereign country as the representative of another, and spends much of his time thumbing his nose at the hosts. Mr. Orban: KICK HIM OUT!
Expel an ambassador for having a dinner party with leading Hungarian influencers? Was Derrick slighted in the invitations? Perhaps, as from experience those that cry the loudest are really doing it for not being included.
marievontheresa and Steiner Michael – we wait for your comments PLEASE from your admitted Political affiliations.
To MARK the commencement of PRIDE Month – President Biden – FACT – held a dinner and celebrations at the White House.
The American Ambassador to Hungary – just doing the Party Line, the embracement of the RIGHT thing to do, of LGBTQ – INCLUSIVENESS, the Acceptance – in modern life 21st century country’s under DEMOCRACY.
This is ANOTHER problem it has with it-self Hungary, under its Prime Minister and his Government, letting DEMOCRACY have it’s RIGHTFUL place across all componentry of Life in Hungary, without Orban and his “Mob” controlling facets of Hungarian life, that removes the place of DEMOCRACY.
Educators know – Orban wants control of Education, like Media, the Judiciary and able to Rule by Decree.
Orban – remembering the collapsing Economic & Financial picture he Orban has created established in Hungary – that we LIVE and worsening, witnessing – he Orban and his “Mob” – loosing support rightfully at a steady pace in Hungary, we must NEVER – NEVER allow Orban to control Education.
Wonder if Orban will pay for invite Donald J. Trump – come visit Hungary?
Donald – we need your Message – your Cause. – LAUGHABLE.
Orban has HUMILIATED us again Hungary as a country “mouthing off” he SUPPORTS Trump.
As far as I am concerned, I am conservative. I positively loath socialists and communists.
By-the-way Ilona why should the people of Florida tolerate illegal migrants. Us Taxpayers are not obligated to support the world’s uneducated and criminals. The uneducated do not fit into present day’s economy It is usual for Central and South American countries to empty the jails and send the criminals to the US.
Now to bring you up to date, President Biden held a Pride celebration in the White House Gardens. Alphabet people exposed themselves by removing their tops. There were gyrating women’s breast for everyone to see (including children). This is child entertainment in the White House.
Yes, it is admirable for Prime Minister Orban to support President Trump. Fairweather friends are not needed. In America, everyone is innocent until proven guilty by the courts.
Biden administration hired a Satanist who works in the White House! There is a pedophile flag hanging between woo American flags from the front of the WH. Baphomets were exposing their breasts at the “pride” celebration, not women. They will need an exorcism to clean up after the current administration vacates the place.