Aggressive tram driver forced his homeless passengers off the vehicle in Budapest – VIDEO

On Budapest’s tram 19, the driver used a humiliating tone of voice when he forced homeless people off the vehicle. He behaved aggressively right away without showing any compassion.

Aggressive driver

As reported, a passenger captured on video as the driver of Tram 19 aggressively shooed away homeless people travelling on the tram towards Bécsi út. BKV (Budapesti Közlekedési Vállalat, Budapest Transport Company) is investigating the case on the basis of the video.




According to an eyewitness who spoke to, the driver of the tram, on its way to Bécsi út, immediately acted aggressively towards the victims without first asking them kindly to get off.

“Now get the hell out of here! You’re messing up the tram! I said, get down…!”,

shouted the driver.

He then grabbed one of the man’s bags and threw them off the vehicle. After he went back, he started yelling at them again.

“You think I’m stupid? Why are you messing around? You smell so bad I’m about to throw up!”,

he continued to humiliate the two homeless passengers.

BKV’s response contacted BKV in regard to the incident. The company responded that they had started an investigation on the matter based on the footage and would provide further information once they closed the case.

“Our company’s primary interest is to prevent or detect such cases. If the employer receives information suggesting irregular work practices by employees, it will investigate the case as thoroughly as possible and take the most rigorous action possible. We expect our drivers to work in a civilised, passenger-friendly manner in all cases,”

they told

However, according to, some people on the Internet agree with the driver, as the problem is not unknown among drivers or passengers. Seeing homeless, oftentimes intoxicated people on buses and trams is an everyday scene in the capital. These people often behave in inappropriate ways and disturb the peace of other passengers. It is not always easy to deal with them effectively and in a respectful manner. Nevertheless, it does not mean that the driver’s behaviour was acceptable, especially taking the fact that there was no indicator that the homeless people disturbed the other passengers. 



  1. The other day on tram 4 in the afternoon there was a man lying in the middle of the aisle and drinking wine from a soda bottle. No one did anything. Sometimes it is necessary to call the authorities to prohibit this behavior. Maybe the driver reacted harshly in this case, but he is probably fed up with the increasing incidences of non-paying, unruly or otherwise offensive passengers. Civilized societies demand that some rules are necessarily followed.

  2. i think he was saying ,go get cleaned up . why should his bus smell like crap . hungary has done lots and yet i dont see any gratitude towards them . meanwhile they are going bankrupt on projects . i dont see anyone helping the hungarians . no gratitude is the real issue here . the driver was not yelling . stop the lies . dont put hungary down as they are helping a million for nothing in return . and no to guns passing through . we dont approve of killing people for land or money . its not the matriarch way . back off to all propagandists . we see you.

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