Antifa activist in Hungary to be released on bail

A Budapest appeals court ruled on Wednesday to release the primary defendant in the “antifa case” into criminal supervision on bail of 16 million forints (EUR 42,000), the court said in a statement.

Italian Antifa attacker Ilaria Salis
Photo: PrtScr
FB/TikTok/Fabio Martino

Proceedings are underway against the defendant for attempted bodily harm committed in a criminal gang. She has been in detention since 11 February following her involvement in attacks against participants of a far-right event in Budapest.

In line with the ruling, the bail must be deposited within three months and after that she must stay in a Budapest property under criminal supervision.

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  1. I can only imagine this far-Left thug is being bailed because she stank up the jail.

  2. Just to clarify, she has been in jail since February yes, but 2023 ( the year is missing, in the article ) and with complete lack of clear evidence of having commited the crime she is accused of. Fifteen months in a rat-infested 7th-world prison simply because she is an antifascist, which obviously in a fascist regime as Orbánistan must be treated as serious crime. Only in Orbánistan to be antifascist is a crime. That alone speaks of this rotten regime, a country where pedophiles, friends of the gang in power’s, receive the pardon and walk out free, whereas innocents are in jail for being antifascist.

  3. @Mario’s claims are totally false. He claims a “complete lack of clear evidence of having committed the crime she is accused of”. Then he switches the topic to blame “the regime.” This has nothing to do with Orban and there is clear video evidence of her crimes.

    As a reminder, here’s the video from February where these antifasist thugs attacked people on the street whose only crime was wearing camo-colored pants that day:

    If that’s not enough, the police report details that the Italian woman was refusing to cooperate and here’s the proof of the antifascist carrying hidden weapons to cause blunt and massive injury to people:

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