Kata Fónai


Hungarians respect human rights the least in the EU?

Only 76% of #Hungarians think it is important to respect human rights. #dailynewshungary #hungary #humanrights #eu

Tax and Customs to enforce E-scooter company Lime?

The National Tax and Customs Office has began an enforcement against the electric scooter company @limebike. #dailynewshungary #budapest #hungary

Are Orbán’s Hungary and Trump’s America one and the same?

Would @realDonaldTrump's reelection mean the #USA transforming into Orbán's #Hungary? #dailynewshungary #politics #donaldtrump #viktororban

What to do in Hungary this summer

Where to visit and what to do in #Hungary this #summer. #dailynewshungary #tourism #programs

Hungarian air traffic plunges due to coronavirus

Air traffic dropped significantly amid the #pandemic in several European countries, including #Hungary. #dailynewshungary #europe #eu

Shocking footage! Police shoot Vrútky school stabber

Surveillance camera catches moment #police shoot school stabber in #Slovakia. #dailynewshungary

Why did Zimbabwe transfer $2M to a Hungarian account?

Authorities suspect #moneylaundering as the reason for #Zimbabwe transferring $2 million to a Hungarian account. #dailynewshungary

Pictures that highlight why you need to visit Hungary – Hiking spots

Are you a fan of #nature and love spending time #outdoors? You need to visit these beautiful spots then! #dailynewshungary #hungary #hiking

Budapest listed among Europe’s rudest cities?

Is your city amongst the rudest of Europe? Which city do you think is the rudest and why? Tell us below! #dailynewshungary #europe #survey

Police catch killer of dead body found naked in yard –VIDEO

A Hungarian man killed his partner and left her naked #dead body in the backyard. #dailynewshungary #hungary #crime #police

European Committee: water of 10 Hungarian baths has low quality!

Over two-thirds of Hungarian #baths have excellent quality water. #dailynewshungary #hungary #europeancommittee

Pictures that highlight why you need to visit Hungary – Panoramas

These spots offer the most amazing views in #Hungary. #dailynewshungary

Every Hungarian festival to be held on the same weekend?

Many #festivals have been rescheduled to the same weekend. How will festival-goers decide which one to attend? #dailynewshungary #festival #music #musicfestival

Hungarian doctors have same hourly wage as fast food restaurant employees

A doctor's starting #salary is the same as a fast-food restaurant worker's in #Hungary. #dailynewshungary #wage #healthcare

Police catch dealers during cocaine party – PHOTOS, VIDEOS

#Police catch #drug dealer redhanded during a #cocaine party in #Budapest. #dailynewshungary #drugtrafficking #drugs #hungary

Four topics to avoid when talking to Hungarians

What is your experience with these topics? Anything to add? #Hungary #dailynewshungary

This is what travelling will look like after the pandemic

#Tourist corridors and #travel bubbles. This is what travelling will look like after the #pandemic. #dailynewshungary #tourism #touristcorridor #travelbubble #coronavirus

Fun summer recipes with peaches

Try these #tasty #peach recipes this #summer! #dailynewshungary #recipe #delicious

Coronavirus – Italy and Austria interested in Hungarian COVID-19 therapy

#Hungarian remedy for #COVID19 has proven to be a #success. Now other countries are interested. #dailynewshungary #coronavirus #cure #therapy

What does Trianon mean to Hungarians today?

How does #Trianon affect #Hungarians 100 years after it was signed? #dailynewshungary #treatyoftrianon #hungary #history