Bomb threat: several buildings of this Hungarian university got evacuated!

Hundreds of students and lecturers had to leave a University of Pécs building on Rákóczi út due to a bomb threat.
Bomb threat
As Origo reported, a bomb alert was issued in several buildings of the University of Pécs on Thursday morning. The Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Business and Economics were completely evacuated, and students and staff had to leave the buildings.
According to, there is a state of alarm at the University of Pécs, with at least four police cars and fire trucks on Rákóczi út. The bomb threat affects the Faculty of Business and Economics and the Faculty of Law where, according to Pécs Aktuál, the Pécs Finance Days were being held.
Pécs Finance Days
The students left the area of the university and went home. According to Pécs Aktuál, at first, only one faculty had a bomb scare. Police are currently searching the building for explosives.
As Eduline reported, the University of Pécs informed MTI that the press conference of the Pécs Finance Days started at 12:30 instead of 11:45 a.m. at the new location, the PTE Senate Council Chamber (at 4 Vasvári Pál Street). Pécs Aktuál reports, however, that Vasvári Pál Street was closed, and the institution can only be accessed on foot.
Constant bomb threats
After Budapest, Pécs is now under bomb threat, too. As we reported a few days ago, Hungarian cities have been under constant bomb threats recently. Several Budapest malls, as well as buildings in Miskolc and Debrecen, experienced bomb threats.
As we previously wrote, Szépművészeti Múzeum (Museum of Fine Arts), Népliget Bus Station, Corvin Pláza (Corvin Mall), and Aréna Pláza (Arena Mall), MOM Park, Mammut Mall, and Árkád Mall received bomb threats in Budapest, along with Szeged Pláza (Szeged Mall) in Szeged and Győr Pláza (Győr Mall) in Győr, in just a couple of days.
“The National Police Headquarters started an investigation on the suspicion of public danger against an unknown offender. We can’t share further information regarding the case in order not to interfere with the ongoing investigation,”
the National Police Headquarters said in the case of the bomb threat in Szépművészeti Múzeum.
Source: BorsOnline, Origo, Pécs Aktuál, Eduline