Transforming Budapest: Pest quay to be renewed greener and more welcoming

The plans were completed in the summer, and now BKK (Budapest Transport Centre) has taken another important step to get the construction work underway. The company has submitted its tenders for the reconstruction of the Antall József Quay and the area under the Elisabeth Bridge.

Budapest’s central government is working on the renewal of the Pest Quay, Magyar Építők reports. According to their statement, they aim to make the Pest Quay greener and more organised by creating a continuous pedestrian walkway and cycling opportunities, freeing up the stepped riverbanks, and expanding recreational options. They also remind us that, commissioned by BKK, the plans for the complete reconstruction of the Pest lower quay were completed this summer.

BKK has submitted two tenders for the development of a significant part of Antall József Quay and the area beneath the Elisabeth Bridge, for which public procurement procedures regarding their construction may commence next summer, should the tenders be accepted and the required EU funds provided.

MG Építész Ltd. carried out the design process intending to renew one of Budapest’s most significant public spaces in a green, livable way, worthy of its World Heritage environment while taking into account the opinions of professional and civil organisations. The statement emphasises the importance of social dialogue: in recent years, the city leadership and BKK have sent out numerous surveys to the public to understand their needs and suggestions.

After the events of mid-September when the area had to be closed during the largest flood of the past decade, it was important to consider the riverside’s susceptibility to flooding. During the planning process, BKK deemed it appropriate to design and implement green spaces and public elements that can withstand environmental challenges in the event of another flood and do not hinder the strenuous work involved in flood management.

quay danube riverbank
Source: MG Építész Ltd./BKK/Budapest City Hall

Plans for Antall József Quay: bustling, multifunctional public space

  • The development of the northern section has already taken place in several phases: most recently, a much-needed sidewalk with a row of trees and benches was built between the Parliament and Margaret Bridge, and the ramp was rebuilt, getting rid of the previous atmosphere of a barrier-lined transit route.
  • BKK plans to create a double row of trees between the Parliament and the Chain Bridge, and cars will be subject to a speed limit of 30 kilometres per hour, corresponding to their current average speed. This aims to make traffic safer and reduce noise pollution, while still maintaining the conditions for vehicle traffic.
  • BKK also plans to create bike lanes, new ramps, and pedestrian crossings to improve conditions for walking and cycling. Thanks to this design, a multifunctional space could be created, which would serve vehicle traffic on weekdays but could become a venue for community events on weekends and public holidays.
quay pedestrians plan
Source: MG Építész Ltd./BKK/Budapest City Hall

Quay’s stairways to be restored under the Elisabeth Bridge

  • According to the plans, the square will cater entirely to the needs of pedestrians, with newly planted trees and a double stairway in place of the current road. Vehicles will be able to access the Pest upper quay via the Petőfi Square ramp.
  • Special attention will be paid to making the pedestrian space safe and welcoming, and the Danube more accessible. The stairways would not only serve recreational purposes, but they would also add to the aesthetic value of the public space and represent a return to the original design of this part of the quay.
quay bridge square plans
Source: MG Építész Ltd./BKK/Budapest City Hall
  • Read more about the current and future plans to renew the Quay here.



  1. The part between the Orszaghaz and Szecheny lanchid is a disaster and in dire need of renovation. The part under the Erszsebet hid is likewise a catastrophe.

    However, what they did between the Szecheny lanchid and the Mahart booth in the summer is atrocious. They removed all the parking spots and replaced it with “rewilding” patches. That is dumb to begin with, for too many reasons to count, but what really sticks in the craw is that they planted only a couple trees along that entire length. How dumb is that! Who wants to sit there baking in the sun!? There should be a fast-growing tree there every 6-7 feet.

    They did the same thing between the Margit hid and the Drava utca turn: All paved over, with some shrubbery and a cornucopia of benches, but not a single tree. So stupid. But that’s Commies, I mean D.K., for you. Karacsony FTW, amirite!

  2. Steiner, please inform us… of your 41 cites you have “lived” in which are the good examples . Desperate for infinite wisdom!

  3. Remove the sidewalk on the pest side of the Liz bridge to the transit stop stairs and add a greens stairs from the pest side- you can barely fit your hand between the side walk and the historic church- . You have high speed road accessories. I counted over 100 lights focused on cars around the ends of both sides of the bridge – the 40 ft light poles should be banded anywhere in the city. The display lighting for the bridge is more than enough light especially since cars have 2 very sophisticated head lights – how about a focus on pedestrians. I love trees but ignore the area at the base for fog toilets -more and better plant areas — half in the city are a mess never maintained – the wood benches are never maintained and ar surprised when they decay

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