Emigration: where are Hungarians going? These are their target countries

Once again, more and more Hungarians are emigrating from Hungary. The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) has now published the countries to which people are going. Let’s take a look at the places that Hungarians choose as their new home.

More and more Hungarians are leaving Hungary

Last year, more Hungarians left the country than before. According to data just released by the Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 44 percent of Hungarians who emigrated chose Austria, 25 percent Germany, 5-5 percent the Netherlands and Switzerland, and 4 percent the UK as their new home, Portfolio writes.

The United Kingdom used to be a key destination for people moving out of Hungary. While the number of migrants to the UK has fallen year on year, the number of migrants to Germany has increased slightly. When it comes to Austria, the number of migrants has increased significantly compared to the previous year, the KSH report highlighted.

The reversal of a positive trend

Back in April, Portfolio reported that 26,500 Hungarian citizens emigrated abroad last year. The last time we saw a higher number was in 2017, based on preliminary data from the Hungarian Central Statistical Office. This reverses the positive trend of 2021, when more people returned home than left Hungary. The good news is that the migration gap has not worsened significantly, with considerably more foreign-born Hungarians moving to Hungary than in previous years.

The last time we saw higher emigration was in 2017.

This breaks an important positive trend, as the balance between returnees and recent emigrants has gradually improved in recent years. In 2021, more people returned home than decided to emigrate, after a long period of time. Last year, however, for 21,900 returnees, there were 26,500 emigrants, a reversal of the trend.

The good news is that the overall balance of international migration of Hungarian citizens has still barely deteriorated, from a surplus of 96,702 in 2021 to 94,450. This was due to the fact that 14,000 more Hungarians born abroad moved to the country than before. This is the highest number we have seen in this indicator since 2015, Portfolio concludes.



  1. So Hungarian people that lived in neighboring countries and have started to work here in Hungary instead of Romania or Serbia or even Ukraine. So would be nice to see where they were born 🙂 these Hungarians 🙂

  2. Orban keeps saying that the future is with Russia and China. These are the countries that will lead and reshape the world order according to him. Why aren’t Hungarians immigrating there? Would anyone like to live in Russia? The Western model of liberal democracy has proven for a century to be the system that provides the highest standard of freedom and standard of living. You need rule of law, economic freedom and social freedom for a country to generate success and that will attract the most talented immigrants. The talented are fleeing the “Illiberal Democracy” of Hungary which really isn’t a democracy. What you are left with is a workforce without talent and stagnating businesses.

  3. Larry, you are one of the three stooges. TALENTED workforce in western countries???? Go have a look in UK, France, Germany, USA or Canada. All the migrants are from the lowest social extracts of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Africa. In the case of USA and Canada, all the migrants are the poorest and most uneducated people from Latin America.

  4. Would love to see the age breakdown of these emigrants and immigrants … I have some preconceived notions, hard data would be great

  5. Declining annual population, that has over a decade been factually occurring.
    Greater Death numbers of true DNA Hungarians than babies being born – trend over 10 years.
    Ageing population – been the trend over past 10 years.
    Hungary – what’s it GOT to offer – to the late 20’s early thirties Hungarians?
    Hungary -what’s it got for University graduates to want stay in Hungary ?
    Hungary -collapsing Economy, the eradication pulverization disappearance of DEMOCRACY.
    Hungary -Education in a state of SHAMBLES.
    Hungary no Financial Stability.
    Hungary – a Government led by Victor Orban, that it could be argued is INSOLVENT.

  6. Go and start a family in Brussels, London, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Paris. Try and find out after 5 years. The different problems. Both sides have problems. Just wich one are the most difficult for you as a parent? And secondary. Belgian government is not chosen democraticly as the 2 main parties chosen refused for more than 400 days to make a union. Outcome. The parties that got a beating are now ruling. And about corruption. Belgium and EU PARLIAMENT have a long history of corruption scandals. The difference is that no opposition is mentioning them openly because they profit from these too. So it is even worse. The outside looks nice but the inside is more rotten than in Budapest. Kids havo no warm meals at schools. Patents have problems paying school books and if a kid is sick the docter wont be available if the parents dont pay 50 euro cash. Wake up.

  7. The demographics of migration are tricky to follow no matter what set of figures you use. However, the current Fidesz government takes pride in the anti-immigration stand; both illegal and legal immigration. How much pride they can claim is debatable. But, there is no debate that the current government has encouraged and facilitated ever growing “emigration” with their failed domestic policies and ever increasing lust for political power and the pork barrel that goes with it. We are constantly reminded of the Trianon tragedy, and rightly so, but the fact is that the largest Hungarian diaspora in the world has nothing to do with Trianon and is not living in Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine, or any of the neighboring countries. It’s in North America. Those Hungarians are the descendants and current generation that emigrated from Hungary to escape political persecution and economic hardship. The heritage hemorrhaging is accelerating at warp speed. Who in their right mind would imagine that Hungary has a great future when its cultured people are leaving en masse and being replaced by foreigners who don’t even speak the language.

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