Here is why NATO could kick out Hungary at any time!

It is not known whether the Hungarian government informed its allies that Russian hackers had accessed foreign affairs networks. If the Hungarian government failed to do so, there might be serious consequences, including Hungary’s exclusion from NATO.
The Russians see the secrets of Hungarian foreign affairs
The Russians have had access to the secrets of Hungarian foreign affairs for almost a decade. It still applies now, during the Russian-Ukrainian war. As a result,
the Russians can see the entire IT network of Hungarian foreign affairs, including the network that transmits state secrets.
Russian hackers have access to everything. Former Moscow Ambassador Árpád Székely spoke to Direkt36. Székely believes that such a serious vulnerability in Hungarian foreign affairs raises many questions. After the election, the matter must be thoroughly investigated by the current government.
Will Hungary be excluded from NATO?
The main question is whether NATO members knew that the Russians hacked Hungarian foreign affairs.
Hungary has a duty to notify the allied member states. This is also particularly important because Russian hackers have access to the protected network of the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. These networks contain confidential information about the security of allies. Árpád Székely believes that if Hungary did not tell the truth to its allies, it could be a fatal mistake.
The consequence of this mistake may even be the exclusion of Hungary from NATO.
It is also an aggravating factor that the war is raging in the neighbouring country. In addition, the attacker country in the war is Russia which has hacked the Hungarian networks. The former Moscow Ambassador believes that the Hungarian government is hiding many things both at home and abroad. Probably, neither the EU nor NATO was idle about the information leak.
NATO is probably not sharing all the confidential information with Hungary.
In the event of a change of government, it is important to explore the extent of Russian intrusion into Hungarian foreign affairs, writes
In Hungary, NATO support is higher than average. Due to the Ukrainian war, support for the organisation increased anyway. According to a survey in Hungary, 66 per cent of people supported NATO membership. 10 per cent opposed, while the rest did not comment.
- CNN: Despite Orbán’s duplicity, will he still win Hungarian elections?
- Orbán: Hungarian opposition wants to obey Zelenskiy against people’s interests
Source:, DIrekth36
More and more it looks like Hungary has been the Russian Trojan horse ‘for almost a decade’. Those numerous face to face meetings between Orbán and Putin over the years (the most of any Western leader) can’t all have been about the weather……
Canada let Chinese military work in top secret viral labs and didn’t disclose that info to Nati until after the fact and there wasn’t any talk of kicking Canada out of Nato. Plus, Canada spends much less than the 2% required. For many years it has been less than 1.5%.
Leftist propaganda. Only naive people will believe bed time stories.
Well, that would be great if Hungary left that corrupt organisation.
Let’s hope so.
Time to face reality. All areas of the Hungarian government, military, police as well as news media are infiltrated by Russian and Chinese secret services and have been for a long time. Orban’s foreign policy has made this possible.
Orban is a fascist and so is Putin. Time to dispatch the dictators and bring democracy back. Your election was rigged.
Peter, You never find mass graves in Hungary. Canada has mass graves.
This human world is built on lies. Slave holder countries are ruling everything. Hungary just a little bump on the way to totalitarianism. When Russia is gone, they will have easy time to destroy China. They will reduce the population. Plant micro chips into everybody. One thing will be good, gullible stupid people will be gone.
There are very many intelligent people in Hungary, unfortunately they were not able to out-vote all the stupid ones that voted the Putin lover Orban into power, – If Orban refuses to resign from NATO he should be given a size 12 BOOT right up the Arse and then the EU should show him where the door is and tell him to get straight through it.
Nato is as corrupt as those millionaires who are in charge of the eu ,The people of hungary at least have a government that is for the people NOT governed from brussels …The uk left,france ,spain greece etc are in massive debt due to brussels rules.As for nato they are as useless as the UN who always pass resolutions but never do anything ,,over 1000 against Turkey after the cyprus invasion but nothing happening after 50 years .
@ Edward A) If they are “top secret viral labs” then how would you know about them?? (Ah, perhaps your sources know – but they’re probably conspiracy theorists). B) DEFLECT…! Your comment has absolutely nothing to do with subject article. What about Hilary’s emails?? LOL
Yep…up here in Canada we’re working on Viral THC. We invited the Chinese along cuz they are WAY too serious and need incentive to chill the hell out before they blow something up. It’s not exactly top secret though…AKUNA MUTTATA eh? Any more concerns we Canadians can address for you Edward?
Orban has taken Hungary, a country that has a tremendous upside and turned it into a corrupt little puppet to Putin, and now he wants to join with Communist China. I would have thought that Hungarians (if anyone) would be opposed to everything that Orban stands for, having been under the Soviet thumb for so many years. Yet they allow him (and his political party) to remove the free press and use Nationalism as a tool to fight democratic institutions and remain in power.
The majority of Americans are watching Orban and the Fidesz Party, and their close relationship with Trump (who is currently being investigated for multiple criminal activities). The majority of Americans also do not look favorably at Orban’s relationship with Putin and supportive of Communist China’s aggression. The Hungarian people will have to decide the direction of their country, continuing towards a path of authoritarianism, or back to that of a democracy. The American People will not continue to support an Authoritarian Country in NATO, that’s against everything we stand for.
We can’t kick Hungary out of the EU but if we can kick them out of NATO we should. It’s one thing what Orban is doing inside his country but Hungary takes and doesn’t give back internationally. Specially, the EU supports the Hungarian economy and pays for Orban’s goodie he gives his people, while giving the middle finger to the EU and its principles. As for NATO, Hungary couldn’t defend itself but certainly would demand the rest of is defend it if needed. I would gladly trade in an under-developed, weak and selfish Hungary for 2 strong, developed and loyal allies from Scandinavia! Hungary has more in common with the Russian-led Eurasian bloc.
Hungary should be expelled from both the EU and NATO. Its criminally authoritarian government must be held to account for its dalliance with Russia, its refusal to abide by binding EU agreements, and its subversion of the rules of democratic governance that permit it to be part fo both organisations. Until the stupid Hungarians are given a demonstration of the the folly of their ways, then Orban and his minions will continue to be a Trojan horse in Europe. NATO and the EU should immediately cease all technical assistance and military and economic guarantees to Hungary. If Hungarians want to suck down litres of Russian cum, then let them do so, but without our protection. Fuck ’em.
Nato is harbouring this scumbag pacifist corrupt country , hungary ahould be thrown out so it can join the murdereous rapist scum that is russia, and left to be invaded and coersed by this corrupt dinosaur country that will soon cease to exist, come on ,how can we have a member that thinks its acceptable, or is that just because these mealy mouthed scum, have weaseled their way for some unknown reason, in to the protection of a body that is committed to helping countries avoid the disgrace they condone? 🤔
To Hungary I say goodbye and good riddance! If they stand in front of Sweden or Finland it’s not even close whether Hungary should be in the alliance.
I don’t understand NATO let Hungary in when Hungary and Putin are so close yet they wouldn’t let Ukraine in and they have been under attack from Russia for ten years
Both Hungary and Turkey should be thrown out of NATO Hungary for their alliance with Putin and Turkey for stopping Sweden from joining NATO.