Hundreds of high-ranking military officers sacked in Hungary

Multiple Hungarian media outlets reported that Hungary’s defence minister sacked hundreds of high-ranking military officers. The people concerned have two months to leave and will get 70 percent of their current salaries as a pension-like allowance even if they continue to work. The minister says the move served the rejuvenation and modernisation of the army. The opposition believes the government fired pro-NATO officers.
Hungarian military officers fired
The ministry of defence began to sack hundreds of high-ranking military officers, including generals and colonels. The decision follows a government decree allowing officers to retire after 25 years in service. It seems, in most cases, the minister and the ministry decide instead of the officers.
The ministry says this move served the aim to modernise the army and pave the way to the rise of a new officer generation. Media reports about more than a hundred generals, colonels and other high-ranking officers sent away. Meanwhile, the former defence secretary and the Democratic Coalition’s MP, Ágnes Vadai, counted around 170 officers on Thursday. She added the officers sent away were pro-NATO. Based on information she acquired from the ministry, the final number can reach one thousand, wrote. Political loyalty will be the deciding factor in the Hungarian Defence Forces, she highlighted. The ministry did not answer the questions of Telex.
Defence minister discusses defence cooperation with Serbian counterpart
Hungary and Serbia agree that peace in Ukraine is a priority, and that small and mid-size countries are especially vulnerable to the consequences of the war, Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky said after meeting Milos Vucevic, his Serbian counterpart, in Belgrade on Friday. The ministers discussed cooperation opportunities between the countries and the ministries.
Hungary has consistently called for a ceasefire and for peace since the war started, Szalay-Bobrovniczky stressed after the talks. At the same time, this is the first time in the history of both countries that they had to react to changing security situations from the east and the south simultaneously, he said. Serbia is “the leading country of the Western Balkans”, and the region faces ongoing security threats, Szalay-Bobrovniczky underlined. Tensions have escalated between Serbia and Kosovo lately, he noted. Hungary supports Serbia’s EU accession because it would aid the stability of the region, he said.
Hungary has sent troops to the region to improve stability, the defence minister said. “Hungary has significant troops in NATO’s mission in Kosovo, and headed the force’s command in the past year,” he explained. The commander’s work “in a very precarious time and place” was praised by the Serbian, Kosovan and international communities, Szalay-Bobrovniczky added. Hungarian troops are also involved in the EU’s mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and a Hungarian commander will take over leadership there next year, he added. The ministers discussed the achievements of Hungarian-Serbian defence cooperation as well as future possibilities in the defence industry, Szalay-Bobrovniczky said.
Source:, MTI
Supreme Leader Orban will take power by force if for some reason he loses or the EU steps in.
Interesting when the dust settles, what comes out of ALL this.
How would it be getting viewed by the European Union and NATO?
Then it could be asked, by Great Britain and the United States & Globally ?
Military unease – the “mumbles & the grumbles” – not a GOOD advertisement Globally for Hungary and its Citizens – Hungarians – unease possible it may “come out” in the entire armed forces – Military of Hungary.
The name Hungary – under its present CONTENTIOUS leader, declining popularity continuous – of the name Victor Orban – that factually sees the name Hungary “dragged” into the deepening image, of a country – that DEMOCRACY is DOOMED, and evidenced growing and mounting – that Orban keeps driving his agenda, to Govern as a DICTATOR.
Hungary, as Orban’s (2) two closest friendship and aligned countries are ruled Russia & China – under a DICTATORSHIP.
Separation widens of Hungary and the European Union and NATO – that is nearing a place that could see Hungary – “forced” to expel leave – its Memberships of the European Union & NATO.
The cataclysmic collapse of Hungary’s proud name – our History and IMAGE, the respect we for century’s enjoyed by countries that where FRIENDS – has totally been OBLIVIATED by Victor Orban and his Government/Fidesz Political Party.
How as a country – with Russia & China – can we SURVIVE?
Who is going to INVEST into Hungary?
What is going to Stabilize us as a Country?
How are we going to see SUSTAINABILITY – in our Economy?
Penetrative questions in numbers – can be ASKED to Victor Orban – but the CANDOUR of his answers – the REPUTATION factually he has built on his own IMAGE – remembering that history never lies, that’s just another MASSIVE challenge facing Hungary – getting TRUTH out of Orban, and his Government.
Hungary – we are just ISOLATED and Politically “blackmailed “and CONTROLLED.
Do we just let our country rescind return into pre 1989 times in Hungary?
TIME is touching on CRITICAL – to take through Citizens acts of SOLIDARITY – actions to endeavour to CRUSH cease this Orban demented Political idea & philosophy as he sees the future of Hungary.
Time – the clock it ticks rapidly away that if Citizens orderly and “other” actions are not undertaken – we can be SURED, back to pre 1989 time and life-style we will RETURN.
WHAT are we prepared – that’s if we want to live in a DEMOCRACY, what are we prepared to DO – to again revert back and live our lives in a FREE Hungary?
Orban in his speech – August 1989 on the stage in Hero’s Square “mouthed” off – what he WANTED for the future of Hungary – post from 1945 -1989 having been Governed under Communism, ruled & governed under a Dictatorship – Russia, that Orban – the GALL and Hypocrisy – standing in front of HUNGARY – in 1989 – that our way FORWARD was to embrace and practice become a country ruled and Governed under DEMOCRACY – under the CORE of the true meaning of the word DEMOCRACY.
History never Lies – and the doubters just NEED to clean the wax out there ears – and LISTEN intently to the Orban speech to Hungary August 1989 – a simple if they can with a clear conscience answer the simple question – is the 1989 speech of Orban just a total package of LIES – to where decades on – he has taken our Hungary – on the BRINK of a cataclysmic financial & economic collapse our – RUINATION or Demise?
My answer – YES we have been Lied and ABUSED.
how to destroy a beautifull country with nationalism
The above three comments were made by globalists.
On cont rare. How to save beautiful country with patriotism.
The first 3 comments were made by foreign globalists who are not even Hungarian.
@ Crestfallen…
You said… “forced” to expel leave – its Memberships of the European Union & NATO.”
And have you stopped for one moment to reflect on the fact that apart from, Uncle $am, these are the two most treacherous and self-mutilating organisations on planet earth?
Perhaps this is just another case of… the only thing more dangerous than being an enemy of entities like this, is to be their friend.
Grazt to Hungary. They will need to ensure that the military is loyal to the nation, its people and its elected government, and not to a foreign-controlled military organisation where those who pull the strtings are showing themselves to be intrinsically hostile to Hungarian independence and soverignty.
NATO is a tool of the neoliberal globalists, and there are zero guaratees that one day, if Hungary continues to defy the Mandarins of the 4th Reich in Imperial Brussels, that NATO and the militaries it controls won’t be used to snuff out Hungarys freedom.
Possibly Orban’s attempt to prevent a color revolution or coup by the west.
@anonymous 22/01/2023 at 23:44:
If you are going to be quoting a language other than then the ones you know well, at least try and make sure the spelling is correct, or write it in your language. Next time try, “Au contraire”, “On the contrary”, or perhaps “Напротив”.
Good example for those US vasals who never had democratic problem killing over million Iraqi or illegaly bombing Yugoslavia taking 15 % of their territory… how to have a guts and resist uncle corrupted Sam… but I guess those US globalist will never understand real meaning of being FREE
Firing generals isn’t necessarily a bad idea, especially if one’s military is top-heavy (ex: too much generals and not enough regular soldiers). I actually wish we would do the same here in Canada and start laying off our useless generals (many of them got to their position because of nepotism) and start promoting the regular soldiers who have been serving 7+ years while not receiving much promotion or even getting deployed. I
@anonymous 23/01/2023 at 16:30
“Color revolution? ! ? 😮
Didn’t Orbán and his FIDESZ underlings achieve a landslide victory at the last elections?
Seeing that that is the case, then who on earth would be left to start a “color revolution”. The remaining 5 – 10 % of the population?
This is not 1956 when our grandparents had a spine, intestinal fortitude and determination to act against a repressive/authoritarian Government.
No, no, today we are just a bunch of subservient sheep who have an ingrained mentality to accept the status quo, and to put up and shut up – myself included.
“coup by the west” (sic.)?! 😮
Are you suggesting that our almighty PM is afraid that some Western countries would start a coup d’état in Hungary?
The only country, the only person, who’d ever even consider taking over our Homeland is Putin, he knows all too well (just like Kruschev and Gorbachev) just how valuable our country can be to Russia, but at the same time our Homeland is practically valuless to anyone else – except to those who want to build their dangerous battery plants in our own backyard.
I’d be more inclined to think that Putin himself had a little chat with our PM and made it clear that he’d prefer it if our next generation of military leaders would be more inclined to work for him inside NATO.
It’s not politically motivated.
Hungary’s army can’t support such a bloated officer corps. There is not enough people in the army to have that many officers.
@Anonymous 25/01/2023 at 11:09
Pardon? Surely you must have inside information.
What?! Not politically motivated? >> “…the minister and the ministry decide instead of the officers”. Just what we, politicians to make top level MILITARY decisions.
As for, “Hungary’s army can’t support such a bloated officer corps.” >> “pave the way to the rise of a new officer generation.” To me, that implies, sack this lot and replace them (in time) with a lot more to our (Orban/FIDESZ) liking.
not hungarian, but English married to Hungarian lady.
i read lots about Oban, some good but mostly bad, most hungarians i have met are very proud to be Hungarian and i find it refreshing to have a PM who is not afraid to speak his mind and put the interests of the Hunagarian people first.
if more countries did this rather than the constant woke lines that seem to prevail in todays western goverments then Europe would be a much better place.
there are so many problems across the globe but more so in Europe then i have ever known in my life time, at some point countries are going to have to think of themseleves before they can begin to think about others. to my mind that is all Oban is doing wether you like his vision or not.
Hungary is undergoing a slow motion take over by Russia. It has been softened by years of pro-Kremlin propaganda and the silencing of opposition media. The military by nature will be pro-NATO and see Russia as the historical threat. The conversion of the army into a pro-Russian and Fidesz loyal organization will lead Hungary to become the new Belarus. Hungary is in great peril.