Hungarian police officers helped woman give birth on the street

Two Hungarian police officers had to perform an exceptional duty on the open street of Budapest. reported that the two officers Benjámin Papp and Alexandra Berkes were stopped at Blaha Lujza Square at 7 pm in the city centre because a young woman needed help at the tram station. The woman was in pain and barely conscious.
It turned out that the woman was in pain because childbirth has started already.
The two police officers lay the woman down, put her bag under her head, and she suddenly started to give birth to her child. When the two officers removed her trousers and underwear, the baby’s head could be seen already, which meant that performing the childbirth at the tram station was inevitable.
Papp held the woman’s head while Berkes helped to push and grabbed the baby. Childbirth only took a few minutes, and the two police officers performed it on their own.
The ambulance arrived at Blaha Lujza Square shortly after the incident and took the mother and the child into the hospital. The baby, named Noel, was born with 2,444 grams and 47 centimetres. He and his mother are fine.