Second female body recovered from River Dee: missing Hungarian twins found? UPDATE: the father’s reaction

We wrote yesterday that Scottish authorities found the body of a woman in the River Dee in Aberdeen. They could not identify her but informed the Huszti family since their two daughters, twins Eliza and Henrietta, went missing on 7 January in the area. Now, the authorities found another body in the river.

Sorrowful news emerged from Scotland this morning: authorities recovered another female body in the River Dee yesterday evening, and it seems the two bodies are the earthly remains of the missing Hungarian twins, Eliza and Henrietta Huszti. Although the identification process is still pending, local police informed the family yesterday to travel to Aberdeen and help with the process.

“Our thoughts remain with the Huszti family and we are keeping them fully updated following these recoveries. We know how much of an impact this has had in Aberdeen and much further afield and I would like to thank everyone who has assisted with our investigation”, Superintendent David Howieson said.

Missing Hungarian twins may have been found (Copy)
The search continued after recovering the first body. Source: PrtScr/Daily Mail Video

Police cannot tell how or why the Hungarian twins went missing

Local police are stunned by the circumstances of the case and they could not yet give reasons as to why the two women went missing. They do not know why the two women entered the water or how and why they died on the freezing night of 7 January.

They only know that Henrietta sent a text message to their landlady at 2.12 AM on 7 January from the area of the Victoria Bridge saying that they would not like to continue to live in their apartment. However, after that, the phone was disconnected from the network.

Hungarian twin sisters go missing in Scotland Hungarian twins
CCTV footage of the twins. Photo: Police Scotland

According to Daily Mail, police treat the case as a missing persons inquiry rather than a criminal probe. Superintendent Howieson said the two women seem to have entered the freezing water “for reasons unknown”. The police promised to continue its investigation into the issue.

UPDATE: the father’s reaction

The father of the girls, Miklós Huszti, said he could not believe that his daughters had committed suicide. Mr Huszti said he divorced his wife 12 years ago and has not seen his twin daughters and son, József, ever since. His wife and three kids moved to Budapest after the divorce, from where the twins moved to Scotland later.

He and the third member of the triplet, Edit, remained in Tornyospálca, a small Hungarian village near the Ukrainian-Hungarian border. Edit remained in the region and married a man in Vásárosnamény.

It seems that he lost contact with all his kids and established contact with his son only after the twins’ disappearance. He said he was hoping that his twin daughters would emerge somehow, but deep inside, he felt that something happened.

The Scottish authorities were unable to identify the bodies recovered from River Dee yet. But they found an angel tattoo on the arm of one of the bodies, indicating that it was Eliza. Therefore, there is almost no chance that authorities will find the twins alive.

Mr Huszti believes that his daughters were abducted, and locals heard the twins’ screams on the night of the tragedy. He said the kidnappers sent the last sms to the landlady, not the women.

Here is a video of the search:

Read also:

  • Female body found in Aberdeen, missing Hungarian twins’ family called in for identification
  • Screams, terminated lease: Mystery deepens around missing Hungarian twin sisters in Scotland

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