Hungary is developing a stronger army

Hungary is developing a modern, stronger army. The government has now shared the details of the program.
According to Portfolio, Hungary’s new military strategy was published in Magyar Közlöny on the 25th of June. In addition to the development of the Armed Forces of Hungary, it also focuses on potential threats to the country, as well as military industry development.
The program presents the 21st-century operating environment, stating that the international security situation is deteriorating, and the global and European security environment is characterised by instability and unpredictability.
The strategy places great emphasis on the coordination and improvement of Hungary’s sovereign defence capabilities, as well as on the cooperation with NATO and the encouragement of international involvement. The strategy proposes the goal of Hungary’s defence budget reaching over 2% of the GDP by 2024.
“The task is to build a modern, strong army so that no one can even think of attacking Hungary by mistake. The Hungarian army must have a deterrent effect,”
said PM Orbán at the inauguration ceremony of the new Commander of the Hungarian Armed Forces, according to HVG.
Although Hungary does not consider any state its enemy, national self-employment is needed in the fast-changing security environment of the 21st century, more than ever since the Cold War, claims the Zrínyi Defence and Armed Forces Development Program. It adds that while NATO is the cornerstone of Hungary’s security, it is necessary for the country to have adequate self-defence capabilities deterring anyone from attacking and to make a contribution to collective defence efforts.
“Hungary’s strategic goal is to strengthen the Hungarian Armed Forces by 2030 so that, as a member of NATO and one of the key forces in the region, it could guarantee the country’s security, deter possible aggression, support all government defence against military and non-military threats and challenges, and carry out the tasks arising from its federal and European Union membership,” the strategy states.
While states seek to avoid the use of military force, confrontations are taking place in new areas, like the information space. In addition, new, disruptive technologies are emerging, such as automated decision-making technologies and the military application of 3D printing, among others.
The program also identifies space as an important area, as the technologies deployed here can bring significant situational advantage to the parties.
Viktor Orbán pointed out that a free, independent country can only be given confidence by its own strength, its own national army, especially in a region like Central Europe. “We must build the region together with the peoples of Central Europe,” he said. He added: goodwill is not enough for this, it also needs strength.
Source: Portfolio, HVG
Imagination – what if – and there is a distinct Factual – POSSIBILITY – that this could occur and become a “new page” and new era – in the Glorious History of Hungary.
King Victor – has been “enthroned” as the King of Hungary – after his time in office- winning (3) three election campaign’s – the last being the 2022 National Elections – as the Prime Minister of Hungary.
Gaspar Orban – the change of vocation he made in his life – into the military – training inclusive of the Royal Military Academy – Sandhurst, in Great Britain and other “secretively” army environments – in Europe and Asia, in preparation for his Father, in his goal and plans – to ascend and sit on the throne as – King Victor of Hungary.
In the great ceremonious celebrations – lasting (4) four weeks – throughout Hungary – of there new King – bestowed upon Colonel Gaspar Orban – must have been “fast tracked” – to have reached this rank – but that’s another story for the Imagination – by his Father – King Victor – is the title – Commander in Chief – of the Armed Forces of Hungary.
The “dynasty” of the Orbans – continues to accelerate throughout Hungary – with vision to stretch its paws – grasp hold off – take over – maybe invade – by the Armies led by Hungary’s – Commander in Chief – Gaspar Orban – into wider European countries, that support and have Political Philosophies and Ideas – that are the “core” of – King Victor.
The Orban Monarchy – will it take up the position ones held by the Habsburg Monarchy ?
In the achievement – the establishing of the Hapsburg Monarchy – was Democracy – the main Political “means” undertaken in it’s Functionality ?
Was it “smothered ” under a Dictatorship styled practiced philosophy – that it operated under ?
Imagination – what if – in Hungary – we continue to “feed” the progress of a Dictatorial styled Government ?
National Elections – May 2022 – citizens of Hungary 9.6 million – we have our chance – by the POWER – that our Voting rights – grant us under DEMOCRACY – what way – WE – wish Hungary – the Future of Hungary – to take ???
Victorinu likes risiko! Is he going to attack Kamchatka or Yakuzia?
Perhaps soon we’ll see him playing football with that funny 19th C globe he keeps on his desk, just like Chaplin,’s movie.
A lot of money can be made by military contracts and it can be kept secret (and we all know who is the king of bribes in Hungary).