Hungary to conquer the world with a brand new dessert!

Hungary aims to conquer the world with a brand new dessert. Thus, four Hungarian organisations, the Hungarian Confectionery Association, the Organisation of International Protocol Professionals, the Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism and the Gróf Széchenyi Család Alapítvány (Count Széchenyi Family Foundation), announced a competition to select Hungary’s new top dessert. The winner will have the privilege to use the name Széchenyi thanks to the Count Széchenyi Family Foundation.
Brand new dessert using traditional Hungarian ingredients
According to Turizmus Online, a new Hungarian dessert will be born soon bearing the name of Count István Széchenyi, the “greatest Hungarian”. The aim is to create a top dessert or dessert family that can be offered on protocol occasions. The dessert should present Hungary’s traditional values and the creativity of the Hungarians, they said. Furthermore,
it should be “an ideal choice” for international guests.
The jury awaits dessert creations that are either made by using Hungarian ingredients or have a theme that is linked to Hungary. They recommend the use of traditional ingredients such as plum jam from Szatmár, cherry tomatoes from Újfehértó, apricots from Gönc or local herbs. Furthermore, they would like to taste famous Hungaricums in the desserts. In this category, they mentioned, for example, the Hungarian acacia honey, camomile flowers from the Great Plain and pálinka. In addition, the new dessert may consist of quality Hungarian wines such as Egri Bikavér and Tokaji aszú or paprika seeds from Kalocsa and Szeged.
The launch date of the new dessert
There will be a two-round evaluation, and the jury will consist of confectioners, protocol professionals, diplomats and celebrities. The Count Széchenyi Family Foundation
presents the winning applicant and dessert in September at the 2022 Széchenyi Award Ceremony.
Everybody can submit their application, even small confectioneries or catering schools. Only private individuals are excluded.
All applicants can submit two desserts, but there is room for cooperation between professionals.
The desserts cannot contain aromas, margarine, harmful artificial additives or artificial food dyes.
Source: Turizmus Online,