Hungary to open comics library for the first time
The history of comics has followed different paths in different cultures. In the 1930s, the first modern comics were released in the United States and had a great success among the younger generation. In European countries, France and Belgium released comics for the first time. Generally, these strips were about heroes with superpowers who save the world from the evil.
According to, Hungary would like to establish this institution because reading comics still seems to be an enjoyable activity. This institution would also like to emphasise that comic books are more than the usual Marvel, Snoopy, DC and Garfield stories. They represent a form of art as well. Its roots come from the middle ages, and it even has a relationship with the cave paintings.
These comics are not only funny and action-packed, but can be emotional, frightening, mysterious, poetic and thought-provoking as well. Because of this wide scale, everyone may find a suitable genre.
Hungary’s first comics library’s other purpose is to introduce how different and varied these stories can be, and to collect every kind of comics in one place, where residents can read them. It is also important to emphasise the fact that these comics have an important role in literature. Last but not least, the library would like to make reading comic books available for people who have never read one before.
This library collects different kind of comic books from private collectors and different publishing companies. It is important that borrowing these comic books will not be an option, only to read them in the library.
The library also welcomes rare comics in their collection, which can be shared with the public for some time.
This unique library will be opened on the 13th December in Nem Adom Fel Cafe and Restaurant (Budapest, Magdolna Street 1, 1086).