Infectologist: Hungary might reintroduce masks soon!
János Szlávik, chief infectologist of the South Pest Hospital Center, said that the new variant of the coronavirus is much more dangerous for young people, but taking the vaccine became fashionable among them. In contrast to the variants before, the delta already contaminates two days before the first symptoms appear.
According to, he said the concentration of the virus in the wastewater is rising in ten cities. The number of new cases will follow that trend, and the fourth wave will start soon – he cleared. If the number of new infections reaches a given level,
it is imaginable to reintroduce obligatory mask-wearing again –
he added.
One Covid patient died over the past 24 hours, while 194 new coronavirus infections were registered, said on Wednesday. So far 5,772,010 people have received a first jab, while
5,509,130 have been fully vaccinated.
Fully 322,000 Hungarians have already received booster jabs. The number of active infections stands at 4,826, while hospitals are treating 132 Covid patients, 13 of whom need respiratory assistance.
There are 1,437 people in official quarantine, while 6,584,218 tests have been officially carried out. Since the first outbreak, 812,531 infections have been registered, while fatalities have risen to 30,059. Fully 777,646 people have made a recovery. So far, most infections have been registered in Budapest and Pest County, followed by the counties of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén, Győr-Moson-Sopron and Hajdú-Bihar.
Read alsoHungarians’ obesity is getting worse?
Source:, MTI
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These face diapers do absolutely nothing to stop the spread of anything. Social distancing also does nothing to stop the spread. When are people going to realize that we are being victimized to destroy the global economy with all this fear porn about a virus that is real but is only dangerous to the extremely sick elderly people and people with cancer, heart disease or other compromised immune systems. The same people dying now are the same people whom used to die of seasonal flu. Come on people stop acting like you cannot think for yourself. Go ahead and wear face mask if you want but when that edict comes out from the government all it is doing is wrecking small businesses and costing peoples employment. I refuse to wear a face mask that does nothing so I will stay home and order my stuff online and local Hungarian merchants suffer. Is this really what is needed? Corona virus fear porn will never go away as long as we submit to being dupes. Who benefits from wrecking the global financial system? The bankers and the 1% ers.
Have to agree with previous comment. The mask package itself says “this mask does not stop any virus, including the dreaded “CV19” or Delta or whatever the flavour may be this season. Many tests have now been carried out across the world and documented and kept within the CDC files proving that masks are utterly useless to the exception of making fear visible. This is a satanic ritual of slavery. Our children are suffering from this – physically and psychologically. This is child abuse and when this system comes crumbling down – and IT WILL – I for one will hold each and every person involved in this plandemic personally responsible. Following orders did not work for the Nuremberg trials the first time and it ain’t going to work the second. Masks will never work against a virus that have never been proven to exist. Ask your government for proof before you carry this out again.
Enough of this living like prisoners because of a virus that is not lethal to 99.5% of those who catch it.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. We the people have had enough of this tyranny.