Joint opposition: PM “continues to make statements serving Russian interests”

The united opposition wants peace, and considers stopping Russian President Vladimir Putin, strengthening the European defence alliance and “freeing Hungary from Russia’s sphere of interest” as key to that mission, the alliance said on Friday.
Rejecting Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s statement that the opposition was “on the side of war”, the Together for Hungary (Együtt Magyarországért) alliance has called on Orbán to “try to mitigate the fallout of war rather than lying, slandering and inciting hatred.”
Read also: PM candidate Márki-Zay: PM Orbán a mercenary and servant of Putin
Orbán’s see-saw politics constitute the greatest risk for Hungary’s security, the statement said. “The prime minister … continues to make statements serving Russian interests, and incites [Hungarians] against NATO and EU which guarantee the country’s security, and against the opposition.”
The statement issued by the Democratic Coalition, LMP, Momentum, the Everyone’s Hungary Movement, the Socialists, Jobbik and Párbeszéd accused Orbán of “trying to live up to the vileness of his role model … Putin.”
Source: MTI
Putin is selling Oil at 110 USD !
What else is required ?
What more does Putin want ?
The incremental Billions will finance the war by a factor of 100 at least !
And provide a buffer to the NATO sanctions !
Russia is violating the airspace of NON-NATO nations – NOT coz of NATO support to UKR.
They are signalling to NATO – to offer NATO membership to Moldova,Georgia,Finland,Sweden and Latvia
The Bet is that NATO will NOT offer membership !
And that is a signal to UKR !
A few days ago a Romanian Jet and Chopper crashed near the UKR border !
The opposition should take a moment and think. What would have happened today, the weather was -10, if Russia turned off the gas? Most of you and your children would freeze. Mr. Orban condemned the war, supported the sanctions and accepted Ukrainian refugees. Mr. Orban did the above even though Ukraine mistreats ethnic Hungarians. (A story is going around that Ukraine jailed 3 teenagers for speaking Hungarian) Keeping Hungarian citizens and children safe and out of the melee is the right thing to do.
Anyone who disagrees with “strategic calmness is an idiot.