From January 1, keeping dogs on chain is forbidden; those who do it can expect a HUF 150 thousand animal protection penalty. The animal protection law expert expects several trials, wrote.
Animal protection law expert Robert Czerny underlined on M1 TV’s program that if an animal runs away scared of petards, the owner cannot pass the responsibility to other people. A government decree provides that in such situations, the owner has to prevent the escape, for example, by closing the animals or giving them mild tranquilizers. However, if an owner chains the dog, they can expect a HUF 150 thousand fine. Those who do not prevent the escape of their dogs can calculate with a 90-100 thousand forints fine. In order to reduce the risk of having to pay such hefty fines, try using dog collars instead.
The lawyer pointed out the government regulation was introduced in the summer of 2012, so there was a two and a half-year preparation time, and animal rights activists also said the change would come. However, few people know it yet, partly due to the lack of governmental communication.
According to, Robert Czeny said it is a civil right issue as well, since several people will come with the complaints that the released dogs cross over the fences and cause damages. And if someone does not release the dog from the chain, then they will be reported because of that. The new rule will provide an “excellent” legal basis for this.
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[…] Se întâmplă în Ungaria. Avocatul expert în protecția animalelor, Robert Czerny, a explicat că dacă un câine se sperie de petarde și fuge, proprietarul nu poate pasa responsabilitatea altor persoane. Un decret guvernamental prevede în astfel de situații că pentru a evita evadarea câinelui, proprietarul îl poate închide sau tranchiliza. Dacă un proprietar își va ține câinele în lanț, sub orice fel de explicație, va fi amendat cu aproximativ 2.000 de lei (150.000 de forinți). Proprietarul va fi amendat și dacă nu evită evadarea câinelor cu o amendă cuprinsă între 1.300 și 1.500 de lei (90.000-100.000 de forinți), potrivit […]
Dogs in Hungary are often on chains. Many houses carry a singn about biting dogs.
In the village Graboc most dogs are chained, which makes them vicious.
A yellow dog in Graboc who had befriended me wanted to visit with me, but the owner would not let this yelloe dog of it chain for a friendly visit.
Many years ago none of the houses hd fences. Now all houses have fences with a vicious dog inside.. This says something about the people living there.
Comunism took it’s toll on the little town as did the removal of all the german families that had lived there for hundreds of years. This is a sad comment on the Hungarian politics. It is also a mistake that can never be repaired.
Hlaf th houses have fallen to neglect and many homes are no more..
A sad comment on the times and the regime of that country.
When I first came to Hungary this horrible habit of keeping dogs on chains appalled me and most foreigners so this is good news, and the only reason dogs on chains are vicious is because they havent been socialized so many are almost wild. A dog is a pack animal and needs company, and not to be left on its own all its life but given affection and love, in return it will protect its owner to the death.They make wonderful companions and I cldnt imagine my life without a dog. We have taken in 3 rescue dogs in the past 9 yrs 2 are still alive and live in the house with us where they are loved and fed well in return they guard our property.
I saw the new law in Hungarian about dogs on chain. I am happy, that something changes with the right of animals for a better life. That sounds good. Even there will be a lot of problems. The fences of al lot houses are very bad. So dogs can go out… The other thing is, that a lot of people don`t have money for fix the fence. So I think, it will bring a lot of problems: people will leave out their dogs or maybe kill them. And I think, a lot of people do not know the new law.
Sorry, my English is not so good. So let me know, if I can get the text of the new law in German (for me and other german people) and also in Hungarian language, so I can show some people.
Thank you for your support!
Kindest regards
Andrea Kühn
In my experience living in Hungary as an English Ex pat I find this law excellent but there is a terrible down side to this. People have very little money to extend fences or make them higher. It is so sad so maybe a little help from the government would not go amiss if they want this law to work. I have 2 rescue dogs and one we brought up from a puppy. They are well sheltered and right now all are in the house as the temperature has got so low. My neighbour has a huge Alsation chained and I know the animal can climb the fence if let loose. They have little money as work here is so lowly paid. . It is a rotten situation to have to leave this country for a decent wage to feed a family, Who will higher the fences or extend them? Who will pay for this. This country has to learn to pay a decent wage to normal people here. IT IS A TRAVESTY OF JUSTICE HERE TO NOT PAY A DECENT WAGE TO DECENT PEOPLE. Start with that one and then escalate to dogs advantages.
[…] cu o amenda cuprinsa intre 1.300 si 1.500 de lei (90.000-100.000 de forinti), dupa cum relateaza Daily News Hungary. Oameni civilizati in Ungaria, unde legea e […]
[…] From January 1, keeping dogs on chain is forbidden in Hungary. Important penalties will exist for those who will still have their dogs chained. […]