At last a smart solution to quench your thirst in the summertime reports that blue taps are being attached to the red hydrants, which make it easier for you to access the water. You can drink from them, fill your bottles or sprinkle some cold water over yourself. The taps are popping up both in Budapest and in the countryside.

The brains behind the idea are a group of architecture students, who were preparing for a science project when the thought occurred to them that there are but a few public wells from where you can drink. The problem is as follows: there was a huge decline in the number of public wells in the past decades, and those that remained are in a pretty bad shape. Even though, when there is a heat alarm, then bagged water is being distributed to help people cope with the hot temperature.


Upon finding out that in Hungary, the same water flows into hydrants as into the houses and apartments, the team came up with the idea to install a separate tap on the hydrants, from where you can draw water. According to Sarolta Hüttl, the project leader, they did not have sponsors for the first prototype, and they had to finance it themselves. It was finished in 2013 and had many disbelievers, so the team decided to test it and hopefully prove them wrong. It had great success at festivals, and later the group applied for sponsors, managing to persuade the Budapest Waterworks to help them. The joined effort of the capital city and the students resulted in more than a 100 taps installed in Hungary.

A closer look at the Rehydrate tap / photo:

The taps are very easy to operate, you just have to push the button on them and the water will be flowing for 15 seconds, then it’ll stop. You can easily fill your bottles as well, so you won’t have to worry about finding the next tap – which should be 150 meters away from the one you just used. All of the taps are properties of the local authorities responsible for the water distribution, who do a regular check-up on the taps, making sure that they function as they should. The latest tap in Budapest was installed in the 14th district, but plans are underway for the installation of an additional nine taps. The best part of this innovation is that the hydrants can still be used during fires.

The Rehydrant invention is just one of the many smart and helpful Hungarian inventions. Hungarians keep making life easier for people and making sure that they stay healthy, either by warning of the risks of heart diseases, preventing the spread of infections on public transport, or by helping those who are disabled or impaired.

Ce: bm


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