Century-long dream to be realised: the Mohács Danube Bridge

The construction of the Mohács Danube Bridge marks the culmination of more than a century of persistence and lobbying, symbolising the city’s economic and transportation development. Although the need for a permanent crossing was first voiced in the mid-19th century, historical events repeatedly delayed its realisation. Finally, in 2024, the project moved forward under the investment of the Ministry of Construction and Transport, with Duna Aszfalt Ltd. as the contractor—bringing an end to over 120 years of unsuccessful advocacy.

A century-long dream

Mohács’ relationship with the Danube stretches back much further. As early as 1687, a temporary bridge was constructed for the troops of Charles of Lorraine during their campaign against the Ottomans. This bridge played a crucial role in the Battle of Nagyharsány, which resulted in a decisive Ottoman defeat and contributed to the region’s liberation. Later, during the reign of Joseph II, another bridge was built for military purposes, reinforcing Mohács’ long-standing strategic significance, as reported by Magyar Építők.

The new Danube bridge at Mohács
Photo: Print Screen from YouTube video/Speciálterv

The economic boom of the 19th century gave new momentum to bridge-building efforts. In 1850, Mohács secured ferry rights, and by 1857, the Pécs-Mohács railway line was completed, further highlighting the need for a fixed crossing. After the drainage of the Mohács Island, fertile lands emerged on the opposite bank, fueling agricultural trade. Although the ferry service was continuous, it often struggled to keep up with increasing demand, particularly during harvest season when congestion became a major issue for farmers and traders. In winter, ice flows frequently brought traffic to a standstill.

Mohács Danube Bridge project gained new momentum in 2024

The early 20th century saw renewed efforts for a bridge. In 1906, local advocates gained the support of the Minister of Commerce, and by 1909, the first official plans were completed. However, the outbreak of World War I halted progress. The issue remained on the agenda between the wars and following World War II, yet economic crises, political instability, and shifting infrastructure priorities repeatedly derailed the plans.

The new Mohács Danube bridge
Photo: Print Screen from YouTube video/Speciálterv Építőmérnöki Kft.

By the second half of the 20th century, transportation needs had grown significantly, yet residents and agricultural producers remained dependent on the ferry, which came with major drawbacks. Seasonal disruptions, ice flows, and limited capacity restricted economic opportunities. For decades, regional development was hindered by the absence of a reliable road link that could have facilitated more efficient logistics and trade.

The bridge construction project, launched in 2024 by Duna Aszfalt, is not only an infrastructural development but also a historic vindication for Mohács. The new Danube bridge promises to boost the local economy and enhance transportation efficiency and safety. More than that, it stands as a testament to over a century of perseverance and community determination, finally turning a long-standing vision into reality.

According to BAMA, the bridge will be ready by 2028.

Read also:

  • Most expensive Danube bridge to be built by one of the richest Hungarians – VISUALS and details HERE
  • Hungary to extend M6 motorway and build new bridge in Mohács by 2028

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