New Hungarian licence plates are here! – PHOTOS

On 1 July, Hungary is introducing its new licence plates for Hungarian vehicles. Who will receive them? What do we need to do to change our old plates? What do the new licence plates look like? Continue reading this article on this brand new change to find out the answers to these questions.
According to the Hungarian Government, the new Hungarian number plates will be one letter longer. This is because the current set of characters would have run out within a few years. The new, longer number plates will now replace the old ones in a gradual, ascending order.
Back in 1990, the previous 3 letters-3 numbers licence plates were introduced. Before 1990, 2 letter, 4 number plates were in use, which were allowed to be used up until 1995. There were 5 500 000 vehicles on the road in Hungary, according to the Hungarian Ministry of Technology and Industry. Of the above number, around 4 000 000 vehicles were passenger cars. This was the number of cars using the 3 letters-3 numbers licence plates, writes Index.
What will the new Hungarian licence plates look like?

The new type of licence plates will begin with two vowels or two consonants of the Latin alphabet. Exceptions include the letter combinations “cs, gy, ly, ny, s, ty, zs,” and accented vowels (á,é,í, etc.). The first two letters are followed by another two letters and three numerical digits.

A new element on the number plates is the coat of arms of Hungary. Twelve stars representing the EU flag are also present. Environmentally friendly cars will receive a light green plate. Regardless of the arrival of new number plates, the regulations still allow for the authorisation of individually selected or individually produced number plates.

Is changing our old licence plates mandatory?
Official licence plates already in use do not need to be replaced with new plates. The change will therefore not force anyone to make any unnecessary enquiries or to deal with any more paperwork. If you want new number plates for your car instead of the old ones, you can apply for new ones.
The cost of the new type of plates will be the same as before. The cost of issuing the plates will not increase from July.