The government has decided to strengthen the protection of its southern borders and protect the safety of Hungarians living in the area, the prime minister said on Friday, adding that setting up a special border guard force will serve this goal.
“We will set up border hunter units tasked with safeguarding your security in collaboration with the police,” Viktor Orbán said in a video posted on Facebook. In the first phase, a total of 2,200 border guards will be trained and assigned to protect the borders, to be followed by expanding the force to 4,000, Orbán said, adding that he signed a relevant decree earlier in the day.
He said the cabinet had held a long meeting on Thursday lasting for more than ten hours which time was required because of the war in Ukraine that threatens not only Hungary’s economy, but its security as well.
- Read also: Goverment to set up border guard force
The cabinet concluded at its meeting that several countries in Africa were running short on food supplies. “As a result of the food crisis migration pressure is
expected to increase on Hungary’s southern borders with several hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants setting off for Hungary,
and to Europe, in the coming weeks and months,” Orbán said, noting “an increase in the number of illegal entrants” in the recent past. “They are becoming more violent,” the prime minister said, noting that clashes on the Serbian side of the border had claimed a person’s life.
Read alsoMembers of Hungary’s new border guards will get ridiculous wages
Source: MTI
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Nah nah nah, PM O. and his able sidekick have the numbers all wrong, it won’t be several hundreds of thousands of ” illegal migrants” arriving at Hungary’s southern borders, it will millions.
They will storm those fences and clamour into the “Paradise” that is Hungary, and Hungary will no longer be a Christian country, it will return to the dark days when the Turks were there as “guests”. 😉 😀
So, all able men aged between 18 and 64 should volunteer to join that new crack squad of border (people) “hunters” to get all those nasties before they breach the fences.
😉 😉 🙂 😀
Really, just how gullible can people be? 🙁
Addendum: If PM O. wants to reduce the number of REFUGEES arriving at its southern border, then he’d better quick smart get on his hotline to Moscow and talk to his Russian chum V.P. because Russia has vetoed a UN Security Council resolution reauthorising cross-border deliveries of vital aid into opposition-held north-western Syria. The closure of the last route from Turkey puts more than three million people at risk of starvation. And where is starvation, or potential starvation, people will flee.
And seeing that V.O.’s media is scaremongering the good people of Hungary into believing that Hungary is the target country of “hundreds of thousands”, nay millions 😉 of “migrants” (REFUGEES), he’d better do more than just recruit “border (people) hunters”.
Perhaps, this time around PM O. could send Pres. K. N. to sit and have a chinwag with V.P. at his six metre table 🙂 Who knows, V.P. could be more receptive to some eye-candy? 😉 😀