Orbán: Clubs will have to close by 11PM to curb the spread of the virus

The government has capped the price of coronavirus tests at 19,500 forints (EUR 54) and decided that clubs will have to close by 11pm to curb the spread of the virus, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said on Facebook on Wednesday.
Restrictions on entry imposed from Sept. 1 will remain in place and the wearing of face masks will be made mandatory on public transport, in cinemas, theatres, health and social institutions and public offices, Orbán said after a cabinet meeting. The blanket visiting ban for hospitals and retirement homes will also remain in place, he added.
Concerning schools, the prime minister said that from Oct. 1, only teachers and students will be allowed into school buildings and will be required to undergo temperature screening upon entry.
“We won a battle against the first wave and now we have to face the second wave,” Orbán said.
“We’re now more prepared, more experienced and have a National Consultation survey to look to.”
Citing epidemiologists, the prime minister said the second wave of the epidemic was expected to peak around December or January, adding that Hungary would have to keep defending against it until then. “We have a strategy that centers on protecting the elderly and treating those who are ill while making sure that the country is able to function,” he said.
The health-care sector is prepared to handle the epidemic and Hungary has all the necessary equipment, hospital beds, ventilators, doctors and nurses to mount a defence, Orbán said.
The more than 10,000 hospital beds available for treating Covid-19 patients could even be doubled or tripled if necessary, he added.
“Everyone can rest easy,” the prime minister said.
“Anyone who catches the virus will be cured.”
Orbán asked the public to observe the regulations and said that he has instructed the interior minister to monitor compliance with the rules and penalise those who violate them.
Source: MTI
Latszik, hogy a Miniszterelnök Ur nem egy partyallat. Sok bulihely nyitva sincs 11-kor
If a government is serious about testing the population, a population that has a low average wage, then the tests would be free, not 19,500ft.
It is a absurd high amount of ft that is expected ALL are to pay.
Those that we live amongst, residing in District v as I do, that live in poverty, homelessness, that live on a week to week “thin” budget line, it is grossly unfair, and quite unchristian, the expectancy, that ALL pay for this testing.
Why not provide it free to all, and those that decide, from electoral rolls or residency rolls of districts, that will not agree to testing, have them “sign off” a disclaimer of type, which will tighten, provide at least the Government greater knowledge of the spread, the journey of this novel coronavirus.
There has not been a vaccine discovered that will immunize human beings from contacting this deadly novel coronavirus.
This decision needs to be re-examined by Government, to find a solution, a middle ground, that is “fair and reasonable”, and does provide assistance to those amongst us in Hungary, that are living on the “smell of an oily rag” in these challenging and difficult times that we ALL live.
The quality of life, dignity and respect – EMPATHY – those less fortunate than us, needs to be acknowledged by ALL in these times.
We ALL can do – DEEDS of GOODNESS – for them ensuring that they survive and live and are not forgotten, that sees them perish, lost to the ravages of this deadly virus, that we are All confronted to Challenge and Share in it’s impact on our lives, our Country and our sheer existence.
Stay Well -ALL.