The matter of Ukraine’s European Union accession has not been settled, and all that is certain is that there is no longer unity on this issue within the EU, the prime minister’s policy director told public radio on Sunday.
Hungary made it clear at this week’s summit of EU leaders that it disagrees with Ukraine’s EU membership and considers any start to accession talks to be premature, unjustified and not properly prepared, Balázs Orbán said.
But the other 26 member states insisted that a positive message had to be sent to Ukraine and pointed out that accession talks would take a long time, he added.
Orbán said there were at least 75 occasions that would require unanimity and therefore Hungary’s support in order for the process to move forward, and Hungary’s parliament would also have to approve it.
Hungary, he said, had voiced its disagreement and let the other 26 member states make the decision.
Orbán said the EU’s founding treaty made it clear that the bloc could only be enlarged with the agreement of member states, adding that Hungary’s right could not be restricted beyond a certain point by any procedural rule.
He said the discourse had been about the seven criteria the EU had set for Ukraine in order for it to receive candidate country status of which the European Commission says it had only fulfilled four, while Hungary says it had not fulfilled any.
Orbán said this meant progress on the accession talks was untimely.
As regards the EU budget, he said Hungary’s stance was that the budget did not need to be amended because every issue could be managed outside the framework of the budget or by diverting funds within it.
Hungary is prepared to discuss the issue but had its set of terms, he said, noting that Hungary did not want “Hungarians’ money to be given to Ukraine” and called for a strategic debate on Ukraine’s financing.
As regards the EU recovery monies, he ruled out Hungary’s contribution to the higher interest burdens until Hungary gained access to the funds it was entitled to.
Orbán also said the proposed changes to the EU budget also concerned migration and additional funding to improve Europe’s economic competitiveness, noting Hungary had indicated that it agreed with multiple points of the proposal.
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- Schengen in serious trouble: strict control prolonged at Hungarian border again – Read more HERE
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Let us take a look at this. If 9,000,000 Hungarians are objecting to something that 630,000,000 million Europeans want to do, than I would hardly call that “divided”. The reality is that the “national consultations” are a joke because they are barely 10% of the population and even then they are often voted on by outsiders that have been given a Hungarian passport, not real Hungarians living and working in Hungary.
Meanwhile, as I travel through Europe and meet with people, Hungary is increasingly identified as a friend of Russia.
Our Politicians’ rhetoric may be doing its magic domestically, the international perspective is shifting. Not the cute country of gulyás, kürtős and a beautiful capital city, but a nation of Mr. Putin’s Russia sympathizers and apologetics.
@The Truth Hurts
Oh, i see now. But oh, you forgot to add the millions of Illegal migrants here now too. There opinion on how the government runs matter very much too, correct?
Veto was constituted to allow smaller nations like Luxemburg to have equal voice in the decision making. A policy may benefit 26 countries and may be detrimental to one. The veto allows sovereign countries to protect their interest.
If any Hungarian would think that it would be beneficial for Ukraine to dump their chemically treated agricultural products on the Hungarian market, all I can say is God help them in the long run; chemicals do affect the health of people especially children.
Accepting the oppression of Hungarians in Ukraine is unforgivable.
There are dozens of reasons why Ukraine’s acceptance in the EU is damaging. So far, many countries just counted on Prime Minister Orban to use his veto. Now, let us see how enthusiastic Austria, Italy, Greece, even Germany are about Ukraine.
Orban again talks of what BULLS do in a Paddock.
Propaganda – driven by Lies and of no resemblance to Truth & FACT.
Polish President Andrzej Duda: “If Russia is not defeated, it will attack again; there is no doubt that Ukraine is the battleground where our security’s future is being determined,” “From a security standpoint, the issue of Ukraine’s future membership in NATO is crucial for Poland,” How different from Kremlin puppet Orban.