Orbán’s cabinet: ‘Stop Soros’ law adds new protections against illegal migration

The “Stop Soros” package of laws that came into force on Sunday provides Hungary with the best possible protections against the people who organise and finance illegal migration, a ruling Fidesz lawmaker said on Sunday.

István Bajkai said the Soros network was still busily working on its plan to disperse migrants across Europe and turn it into a continent of mixed populations.

He told a press conference that the judiciary now had strong powers and the legal means to take steps against those who encourage migrants to circumvent the law.

Under the “Stop Soros” law, helping illegal migration is a criminal offense, usually punished by imprisonment and, in more serious cases, by imprisonment or banishment from the country, he noted.

Bajkai said it was clear in the parliamentary vote on the package that the opposition supported migration and the Soros network.

History shows that the left wing always opposes Hungarians and their interests, and this time round, the left wing was ready to thwart legislation stopping migration, he insisted. Fidesz, he added, was always ready to defend the country.

The Fidesz politician noted that from today the judiciary was expected to be ready to apply the new legislation and carry out their work more effectively.

The police are ready in this regard, he added.

Featured image: MTI/AP

Source: MTI

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