PM Orbán: Global liberal elite misused U.S. funds to undermine families, push migration, and fuel ‘gender madness’

“A huge scandal has emerged in America: the US president has decided to disclose how much money and to whom agencies of the US administration have paid out in recent years,” the prime minister said on Monday.

Viktor Orbán said on Facebook: “The liberal global elite used the American budget and administration to have their financial and ideological agenda financed across the world… It was made to appear as aid, but in fact it was a tool of political influence.” Money from the Soros foundations and from the official US government budget was used to implement their political agenda, he said.

“From those funds, they financed their activities to destroy communities and families, and promote migration and gender madness all over the world,” Orbán said.

They supported only agendas related to the left-wing media platforms, online communication and civil organisations, boosting the power of the left. “They also received this money with the aim of toppling the government,” Orbán said.

As we wrote today, reveals that a Hungarian university has received an $800K grant from the US Department of Defense, details HERE.

The Orbán government is also accused by many of interfering in other countries’ elections. Here is a recent example:

Also, French RTL said that Marine Le Pen received millions of EUR from a Hungarian bank, details HERE.


  1. USAID was basically a money-laundering operation of the dollar-Left, much like the war in Ukraine.

    Ukrainians sell on at least half the weapons they receive from the West. It is beyond scandalous.

    • @michaelsteiner – source for the Ukraine on-sell myth?

      Re USAID … Any audit is generally quite a regimented process, requiring experienced and skilled auditors, copious explanations from controllers. Auditing USAID is a massive undertaking. So any conclusions, I believe, are very premature. Especially since USAID budget was already under quite robust oversight through a combination of executive branch and legislative branch processes. I do encourage you to check it out – and compare to Trump 1. Not too much changed during the Biden years.

      US AID background for the uninitiated. During the Cold War, it was a tool to achieve U.S. geopolitical interests – containing the spread of communism, that sort of thing. But also so-called “Green Revolution” programs to boost agricultural productivity in Asia and Latin America and health campaigns targeting deadly diseases.

      After the Cold War, USAID shifted focus from geopolitical competition to supporting democratic transitions and market economies in former communist countries, particularly in Eastern Europe (including Hungary) and Central Asia. There were also humanitarian assistance interventions.

      Post 9/11, USAID again shifted focus, tied more to US national security goals. Think reconstruction in countries like Afghanistan and Iraq.

      USAID also expanded into supporting the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) – incuding but not limited to reducing global poverty and improving health and education. Mr. Bush Junior added his PEPFAR (President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief) – now scuttled.

      Since Mr. Obama, a lot of the focus has been on efficiency and transparency. Some noteworthy initiatives are Feed the Future (combating global hunger), climate resilience and sustainable development, promoting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and responding to global health crises and disaster relief.

      As an example – the USAID efforts in sub-Saharan Africa (our Politicians often give a shout out to these nations, so thought it is appropriate) - . As you will note, the focus is health, economic development and security (international security spend is actually quite a big number). Let´s see who (if anybody – infrastructure is hard build out) to will fill this void, and what pulling the rug from under these people will inflict. I´m guessing a lot of misery, suffering and death.

      If I would live there, I would pack my little backpack and march North! But wait – there´s always China, and of course the EU. Link if you´re interested, also explains ways of working, budgeting processes, scrutiny, etc.

  2. Sorry Steiner. You might as well give up. Your rhetoric is no match for Norbert AKA Mr. Political/Economic Encyclopaedia.

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