PM Orbán: It is high time the West learnt that you cannot live in lies
“Hungary today is the voice of the people of Europe,” Prime Minister Viktor Orbán told a conference organised by the Századvég Foundation on Monday.
Hungary’s sovereignty solely in Hungarians’ interest
“Hungary is the only country that speaks the thoughts of Hungarians and Western Europeans,” he told the conference on sovereignty. “The time has come for change in Europe and for Europeans to take back European institutions.”
Concerning the history of Századvég, Orbán said the institute was founded 30 years ago, “but the concept had been born much earlier, in the mid-1980s, when Szazadveg, a periodical, was issued,” noting his own participation.
“This generation decided not to pretend anymore” and expressed its hatred of communism, he added. “We wanted the communists to fail and the Soviets to pull out of Hungary. and a periodical seemed to be a good idea, as free life begins with free speech and free speech starts with free writing,” he said. “Freedom will bring further freedoms and create free people, that was the philosophy of Századvég.” He said his generation had been “the most inexperienced and the most radical” of all other opposition movements of the time.
The foundation of Századvég was “a story of the heart and the love for the homeland”, he said, adding that “I would like it to stay like that.”
Orbán with Soros
Orbán suggested that back then, they had been on the same side with US financier George Soros, because “he also did not want Hungary to be ruled by communists, and supported anti-communist activities”.
“It was not yet clear that he wanted to be the one to rule central Europe instead of the communists and Soviets. We could not be aware of that,” Orbán said. “Now he no longer conceals his plans. He crashed the British pound, he is flooding Europe with migrants, he will openly say that national borders should be abolished and Europe’s countries stripped of their sovereignty,” he added.
As for Századvég, Orbán said the institute was needed as an “intellectual workshop, a civic research centre that supports us”.
It was clear to everyone in 1993 that “Fidesz exists and will exist”, but the return of the communists then posed a serious intellectual challenge. “The real twist in the entire story, which also made our lives intellectually more difficult, was that the door where they entered had been opened by freedom-loving liberals,” he added.
“Nobody is surprised about that here now because it is natural in Western Europe that the liberals are the new communists,” but in 1993-94 it caused “a moral shock” that shook the entire Hungarian political system because “decent people at that time found this odd, to say the least”.
“As a result, we had to get strong and there had to be an intellectual workshop, which is why Századvég was created 30 years ago,” he said.
The lesson in 2002 election
Orbán said the lesson learned from the 2002 election defeat was that “we believed that if we live in a democracy, nothing threatens us anymore”. “We thought the nation has sovereignty, it is ours, and everyone will serve that at home and respect it from the outside,” he added.
“The world around us is not interested in Hungary remaining a sovereign country. They will be better off if we partially or fully lose our sovereignty,”
he said, adding that even some Hungarians thought that way. Hungary, he said, could not be sovereign as long as public thinking was dominated by “a liberal hegemony”.
“This does not mean that we should eliminate what belongs to our adversaries. What we want is pluralism in Hungary,” he said.
“In the West, they have not understood this; public thinking there is unable to step out of the liberal framework,” he added.
The Hungarian political system stands closer to a democratic way of thinking than the Western European does, he said.
“Liberals do not care about the people; their thinking focuses on an ideology and not the community of people,” he added.
Orbán said Hungary’s international influence was “greater than its real weight” because “Europeans can now express their opinion via Hungary rather than their own publicity”.
“It is high time the West learned that you cannot live in lies because it will make you sick and destroy you,” he said.
Meanwhile, he said “lost sovereignty was in the focus of the last century”, while Hungary’s sovereignty was regained at the end of the century and “this decade is about retaining that sovereignty”.
Hungary continues to rely on Századvég’s help, “especially the young generation”, Orbán said. “We recaptured sovereignty and now it is up to young people to retain it.”
Source: MTI
Orban’s conspiracy theory lies about Soros aiming to control all of central Europe are designed to fool very gullible people. Unfortunately Orban learned Goebbels method very well that if you make the lie outlandish enough and tell the same lie often enough people will start to believe it. Note how Orban talks about the “Soviets” leaving Hungary instead of saying the “Russians” left Hungary because he wants to make Russia Hungary’s new friend and ally. Orban also talks about “the West” as an entity separate from Hungary. He does not want Hungarians to identify themselves as part of “the West.” That constant message is designed to help Orban lead Hungarians into the Russian embrace. If Hungary continues on this path it will be a tragedy. Never forget the choice St. Stephen made because Orban clearly wants to choose differently.
Concur Larry.
Orban talks of Lies.
Hungary under Orban judged through the Court of Justice of the European Union, was found to have blatantly LIED.
The Lie dossier of Orban is humongous, that could be tabled on him, and on his Government.
NEVER forget the words given Hungary, by Saint Pope John 11 delivered in Hero’s Square in August 1991.
They these decades on are etched in stone for ALL not just Hungarians, to read.
Orban sat in the front row, the occasion these WORDS spoken to ALL of Hungary.
Orban what he provides Hungary with NOW, the destruction of Democracy of Freedom, is just Hypocritical, the reverse in the messaged words, the meaning of them – delivered by Saint Pope John Paul 11.
Saint Pope John Paul 11 words :
“Be mindful of the Blessings that Freedom, which you have Definitively secured means for your future.
Cherish it and make Good use of your Liberty.”
Hungary – is no longer a Democracy.
Hungary under Orban, the subject title of this article. continues to get WIDER apart separated from DEMOCRACY.
Orban, hopefully by the citizens of Hungary they reverse this article subject matter POWERFULLY back at him, and countries, that Orban and his Government, the relationships they have DESTROYED, from abolishing DEMOCRACY, like the United States of America, send replies that humiliate and do deeper damage to his reputation.
Well said Prime Minister.
Soros supports migration, that is a fact. Soros organization supports NGOs. Soros tried to break the Bank of England. That is true. Soros and his organization supported DAs. in the US election by giving them financial aid. These Soros backed DAs do not enforce laws. These people supported the removal of bail. Presently, criminals and murderers roam the streets of America. While awaiting trial, the criminal commits many other crimes. The average American suffers.
Soros supports WEF, this organization not only wants to control the EU but the world. This organization wants to control what you eat, what you drive and where you live. This organization is run by globalists, German Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Bezos, head of Back Rock and definitely Soros. It is time for misguided leftist to wake up. Accept reality. All members of WEF are evil. Their aim, absolute power and that includes Soros. People better support leaders that have the interest of their population and do not wish to cede control to evil globalists.
If you live in Hungary, be thankful for Mr. Orban, you could have ended up with an ineffective Prime Minister Trudeau or a weak American President Mr. Biden or an oversexed president, Ursula Von der Leyen.
An elected majority government is not a danger to democracy but power seeking democrats are.
Soros is disgusting, from his wartime activities to his involvement in the US. Whatever problems Hungary has, we can at least be grateful Soros’ is not one of them
Lee – fact check on Mr. Soros wartime “deeds”:
Newsweek has no discernible bias:
Re democracy – why on Earth has Hungary been subject to Rule by Decree, State of Emergency, Alarm (any crisis is a good excuse) since COVID?
@mariavontheresa – we should be wary of any Politician, including the liberal ones, clinging to power well past their due date.
They do appear to be more prevalent on the right of the spectrum, though. Happy to stand corrected.
As long as Hungarians manage to keep foreigners and their influence out of elections, the people have the opportunity to elect a pro Hungarian prime minister. Many other countries have or had majority governments. Election of majority governments mean that the interest of the voters can be enacted.
In the US, the socialists democrats’ slogan is if a republican president is elected, that will end democracy. What nonsense. As long as elections are held and people have the freedom to express their view, democracy is working. Hungarians have often fell for rhetoric and elected old communists, turned socialist like Gyurcsany(?). Remember, a vote can make a difference.
There have been articles regarding the cancellation of election in Ukraine by Zelensky. Now, that move would be undemocratic.