PM Orbán to Fox: President Biden presonally insulted the Hungarian people!

Hungary rejected illegal immigration during the migration crisis of 2015 because “it was the only reasonable behaviour” to defend the country and its citizens, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said in an interview with conservative US channel Fox News.
In an interview with Fox News host Tucker Carlson, which aired late on Thursday Hungarian time, Orbán said Hungary had the right to make such decisions: “It’s coming from God, nature, all arguments are with us.
This is our country, this is our people, history, language, so we have to [protect them]”.
“Of course, if you are in trouble and Hungarians are the closest to you”, the state “has to be helpful”, but entering a country without permission is no basic human right, Orbán said.
In rejecting migraton, Hungary went against most European Union countries which “decided to open a new chapter of their history, calling it new society,” Orban said. This “post-Christian and post-national” new regime is based on the coexistence of various communities, Orbán said. “There is no way to know whether the outcome of this will be good or bad, but I think it is very risky… Each nation has the right to take this risk or reject it. We Hungarians decided not to take that risk,” he said.
That decision was at the root of “harsh attacks” against Hungary,
and “why my personal reputation is very bad … I’m treated like the black sheep of the European Union personnally,” Orbán said.
Orbán called US President Joe Biden’s recent characterisation of Orbán as a “totalitarian thug”
in an interview with ABC News a “personal insult to the Hungarian people … but since he is the president of the United States, we have to be modest, respectful and … clarify that what he is doing is offensive.”
Bilateral ties between Hungary and the US are “basically very good”,
especially in defence, economy and trade, Orbán said. “So everything is fine, except politics when Liberals are in government in Washington.” Hungary sees thriving relations with the US as an asset even if the stance of the US has changed on Hungary, Orbán said.

A reason for the attacks is that Liberals take issue with the success of central European states, because it was achieved very differently from what western countries expected, Orbán said. “We are building a very successful society … but its foundations are very different from what was wished by many western countries,” he said.
Western Liberals “cannot accept that inside Western civilisation there is a national-conservative alternative that is more successful in everyday life than the liberal worldview,” he said.
Orbán noted recent political changes in the US and Israel, where Hungary lost “two major international supporters of Hungarian Christian conservatism”. “The opponents came to power, which is a completely new circumstance for Hungary,” he said.  

Commenting on the Hungarian general elections slated for next spring, Orbán said
he was surprised to see the “international community accepting a coalition of communist political forces and anti-Semites running together in the elections.”
Regarding potential international interference into the Hungarian elections, Orban said “we are not worried because we are prepared. Of course, the international left-wing will do everything to change the government in Hungary. We are prepared for that,” Orban said.


  1. While I am not pro immigration I should like to point out while Orbán waffles on about the EU immigration system (to Tucker Carlson, of all people, a paid rabble rouser for the far right in the US much as that despicable Piers Morgan is in the UK) he conveniently forgets International Law, namely Article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, The United Nations 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and finally the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees, all of which Hungary is a signatory to. In essence that means that people should be allowed to claim asylum and then their case is either granted or refused either from outside or within the borders of any given country, both. If wants this fight, then let him try and get International Law changed, then he would have a strong argument against the EU.

  2. What happened to right wing Tucker Carlson.
    The interview was with Tucker who Fox may or may not agree with. I’m still interested in your definition of right wing vs conservative. Tucker has more viewers than all the left wing nut jobs combined.
    Orban was very impressive- over 7k comments on YouTube in just few hours after interview.
    Million dollars couldn’t buy this kind of media for Hungary. The biggest threat to Hungary is left wing media and powers that be as we are witnessing with the LGBT issue. These people can destroy anyone especially now that Facebook, google and Twitter are working in conjunction. YouTube will be removing the interview as soon as the WH reviews it. Next they will de platform Orbon like they did trump.

  3. A far right “journalist” interviewing a far right politician. What is the point? No uncomfortable questions, just propaganda and pubblicity trumpist fox gave the autocrat. God only knows how much the autocrat paid for it, but i guess that money is not an issue to him….

  4. Autocratics do have a flair for the dramatic. I guess it works to send the likes of Maria Von Theresa and Oi seething into the ballot box—and unfortunately also the comments section.

  5. Any comments from “Mario” – who is so obviously a ‘paid stooge’ for the (radical) left – are about as sensible as USED toilet paper being utilised to wipe the rear end.

    To date, all he has ever done on “DAILY NEWS HUNGARY” is throw ‘one-line’ insults at the country in which he found asylum after being forcibly ejected from his country of birth.

    On this occasion, he managed to ‘cobble together’ a few sentences although the spelling (‘pubblicity’ has only ONE ‘b’, you twerp !) and grammar is absolutely atrocious – but what else can be expected from such a mindless Neanderthal ?

    Perhaps “Mario” – who is AT BEST a mentally-retarded reject from a pre-school group of illiterate illegal migrants and AT WORST an asynaptic example of some almost-extinct microbe – should stay in a cave and play with his tiny club whilst uttering an occasional “UGH” of satisfaction.

    By the way, we all wonder how much “Mario” is paid to write those ridiculous comments submitted to D.N.H. – after all, no SANE individual would ever even think such UTTER CRAP !

  6. Mario’sUtterCrap, maybe brush up on your spelling, grammar, and syntax (arrangement of words) before you compare anything to used toilet paper…

  7. Fox is not serious news, forgot or never heard of the Dublin Regulation, “a person must seek protection in the first safe country”. Only airline passengers are eligible to claim asylum in Hungary. Fox Not Serious News, expand your knowledge of laws pertaining to asylum.
    There was nothing dramatic about Mr. Carlson’s interview. It is refreshing to allow a guest on media interview to finish a sentence and express the truth. There is nothing wrong with Hungary first policy.
    Many leftist media, especially in the US, and EU condemned Hungary and its people, saying, all successful Hungarians left the country and created wealth abroad. What the western EU and the US forgot to mention that they gave up Eastern Europe to Russia. Russia ruled Hungary for 40 years. It is a credit to the people that they survived. The US and Western European countries are unreliable allies. Lastly, the Marxist left wing media in the US and EU should concentrate on the disasters in their countries and just “Shut up” about a country of which they know nothing about.

  8. If you only read the first five words of Maria’s comment it actually makes sense for the first time ever.

  9. UPDATE – interview was trending at #5
    1.5 million views – 64k likes- that’s just on YouTube
    Tucker cable show has 3 times the views of any competition for years.
    Few politicians in the EU and US get that many viewers. Biden’s last town hall on his favorite CNN maxed at 300k

  10. Never heard of the Dublin Convention? Try looking it up. Thee first safe country only applies within the EU, under International Law there is no obligation for an asylum seeker to seek asylum in the first safe country. Check your facts.

  11. Prime Minister Orban mentioned that Hungary will comply with the Dublin Convention. Hungary is in the EU. Most people that attacked the border were migrants not refugees. Migrants have no right to enter Hungary. VT, if you are so happy to have criminal migrants, migrants/refugees share your home with them.

    The bottom line is, the horde that invaded Hungary in 2015 did not want to stay in Hungary, they all wished to travel to Germany and the rest of western EU where the welfare payments are generous. To date, only 37% of Syrians are employed (according to an article in DW news paper). Germany has a surfeit of money to support 67% Syrians and refugees from other lands and illegal and legal migrants. It seems there is no limit to the German taxpayers’ generosity.

  12. It is a shame the Prime Minister of Hungary would embarrass Hungary even further by lowering himself to an “interview” with one of the most callous, manipulative, lying propagandists of tRump’s Fox news platform. As one who remembers Orban in 1989, I am ashamed for my mother country.

  13. The Tucker Carlson visit to Hungary provided a HUGE audience of Americans with an ability to see how Hungary operates as a serious country that enforces its borders and laws. The result is that Hungary can be proud of its protection of National Sovereignty, heritage, culture and people, The interview with PM Viktor Orban was a great opportunity to see a GREAT leader that is defending Hungary and Europe share his courage and coherency with us. There is much to learn from Hungary and PM Viktor Orban. Thanks to Tucker Carlson and the FNC team for bringing Hungary and PM Orban to us! Salute, Love and Respect for the Great Nation of Hungary!

  14. Don’t have to be overly concerned with what senile, pretend-president sdays about anyone and anything.
    President Trump was a real president and he had high regards for Orbán. That is what counts.

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