Giant spiders on the front door in Hungary

Pictures of Russian spiders have been seen coming from several towns and villages. According to, Győr and its outskirts have also been affected. After Győr, Rábaköz was the next location where these animals appeared for the first time.

Residents are very afraid of these spiders. Some of them said that they saw these animals at their own homes: on the front door, on the walls, in the garden and on the house’s walls. They also said that this was not the first time when they saw this frightening animal, but the second or third. Fortunately, no one was harmed, and they managed to get rid of the animal.

As humans have seriously damaged the spiders’ natural habitat, they have no choice but to move into the areas of different towns and villages. Russian spiders are endangered species, and the value of one animal is 5000 Hungarian forints. It has a 4 cms length, but if we count in its legs, these animals can easily be 10 cms long. They are usually brownish or greyish and live in holes built under the ground which are strengthened by the spider web.

The bite of these spiders is like European hornets’. Although it is not poisonous to people, its bite can easily cause allergic reactions. If you see a Russian spider the first important thing is: do not touch it with your hands. About the topic of touching spiders the best idea is to visit Budapest’s Animal Café.

Featured image: Wiki Commons by Ákos Szabó


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